"1"^^ . . "Problems of Calibration Formulae Determination for Shotcrete Strength Characteristic"@en . . . . . "2013-06-12+02:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GPP104/11/P411"^^ . "Shotcrete Calibration Formulae Compression strength"@en . "The technology of shotcrete is currently used mostly in underground constructions, where shotcrete comprises essential material of primary lining in the process of driving tunnels and in some cases, this type of concrete is used as material for final lining. Therefore, there have been increasing requirements on quality and particularly duration of shotcrete. New test standards series and directives regulating shotcrete design, application and testing are introduced and applied. Within legal force of these regulations, new calibration formulae focused on assessment of young shotcrete development in strengths are formed.Nowadays, there is no available method, that would allow to design and predict determination of young concrete strengths by means of standard laboratory equipment. It is vital to set correlation between characteristic of shotcrete produced by regular spraying technology and technology of production in laboratory concrete mixer consequently followed by placing concrete in testing moulds by means of common method of compaction."@en . "Technologie st\u0159\u00EDkan\u00E9ho betonu je v sou\u010Dasn\u00E9 dob\u011B pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1na p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm v podzemn\u00EDm stavitelstv\u00ED, kde je st\u0159\u00EDkan\u00FD beton hlavn\u00EDm materi\u00E1lem prim\u00E1rn\u00EDho ost\u011Bn\u00ED p\u0159i t\u011Bchto ra\u017Eb\u00E1ch, v n\u011Bkter\u00FDch p\u0159\u00EDpadech je tohoto druhu betonu dokonce vyu\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1no jako konstruk\u010Dn\u00EDho materi\u00E1lu definitivn\u00EDho ost\u011Bn\u00ED. Nejen z t\u011Bchto d\u016Fvod\u016F se neust\u00E1le zvy\u0161uj\u00ED n\u00E1roky na kvalitu a zejm\u00E9na na \u017Eivotnost st\u0159\u00EDkan\u00E9ho betonu. Jsou uplat\u0148ov\u00E1ny nov\u00E9 zku\u0161ebn\u00ED normy a sm\u011Brnice pro n\u00E1vrh, aplikaci a zkou\u0161en\u00ED st\u0159\u00EDkan\u00FDch beton\u016F. V r\u00E1mci t\u011Bchto p\u0159edpis\u016F jsou vypracov\u00E1ny tak\u00E9 kalibra\u010Dn\u00ED k\u0159ivky pro posuzov\u00E1n\u00ED n\u00E1r\u016Fstu pevnost\u00ED mlad\u00E9ho st\u0159\u00EDkan\u00E9ho betonu. V sou\u010Dasn\u00E9 dob\u011B v\u0161ak neexistuje metoda, kter\u00E1 by umo\u017E\u0148ovala mo\u017Enost n\u00E1vrhu a predikce stanoven\u00ED pevnost\u00ED mlad\u00E9ho st\u0159\u00EDkan\u00E9ho betonu pomoc\u00ED b\u011B\u017En\u011B dostupn\u00E9ho laboratorn\u00EDho vybaven\u00ED. Je t\u0159eba stanovit souvzta\u017Enost mezi vlastnostmi st\u0159\u00EDkan\u00E9ho betonu vyroben\u00E9ho b\u011B\u017Enou technologi\u00ED aplikace pomoc\u00ED n\u00E1st\u0159iku a technologi\u00ED v\u00FDroby v laboratorn\u00ED m\u00EDcha\u010Dce a n\u00E1sledn\u00E9mu ulo\u017Een\u00ED do zku\u0161ebn\u00EDch forem jednou z b\u011B\u017En\u00FDch metod hutn\u011Bn\u00ED." . "The objectives of the postdoc project can be considered fulfilled. The number of relevant publications cited in required databases (5xJsc) was created. 2 x Jsc are to be published this year. 6 publications not entering the RIV datab. were created too. The documents provided by solver did not show a clear and serious breach of the rules of the grant or disbursement of funds."@en . "2014-06-25+02:00"^^ . . . . . . "15"^^ . "15"^^ . . . . "Problematika stanoven\u00ED kalibra\u010Dn\u00EDch vztah\u016F pro pevnostn\u00ED charakteristiky st\u0159\u00EDkan\u00E9ho betonu" . "2013-12-31+01:00"^^ . "GPP104/11/P411" . "0"^^ . . . "2011-01-01+01:00"^^ . . "C\u00EDle postdoktorsk\u00E9ho projektu lze pova\u017Eovat za spln\u011Bn\u00E9. \u00DAdaje v z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dn\u00E9 kart\u011B jsou adekv\u00E1tn\u00ED. Byly zpracov\u00E1ny publikace obsa\u017Een\u00E9 v renomovan\u00FDch datab\u00E1z\u00EDch (5xJsc). 2 x Jsc je p\u0159ijato k publikaci. Vzniklo 6 publikac\u00ED nevstupuj\u00EDc\u00EDch do RIV. Z poskytnut\u00FDch podklad\u016F nevyplynulo zjevn\u00E9 a z\u00E1sadn\u00ED poru\u0161en\u00ED grantov\u00FDch pravidel nebo v \u010Derp\u00E1n\u00ED finan\u010Dn\u00EDch prost\u0159edk\u016F."@cs .