. . . . "."@en . . "Mapping interactions of CyaA protein with complement receptor using mass spectrometry and electron microscopy"@en . . . . "\u0158e\u0161en\u00ED projektu pova\u017Euje komise OK3 za v\u00FDte\u010Dn\u00E9. \u0158e\u0161itel m\u00E1 3 publikace a 2 rukopisy v recenzn\u00EDm \u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED, jedna z publikac\u00ED, kde je \u0159e\u0161itel prvn\u00EDm a sou\u010Dasn\u011B koresponduj\u00EDc\u00EDm autorem, vy\u0161la v nejlep\u0161\u00EDm \u010Dasopise p\u0159islu\u0161n\u00E9ho oboru. Vzhledem k p\u0159ijet\u00ED t\u00E9to publ"@cs . "0"^^ . . "2015-01-22+01:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "4"^^ . "4"^^ . "1"^^ . "2007-01-01+01:00"^^ . . . . "GP310/07/P115" . . "Mapov\u00E1n\u00ED interakc\u00ED proteinu CyaA s komplementov\u00FDm receptorem pomoc\u00ED hmotnostn\u00ED spektrometrie a elektronov\u00E9 mikroskopie" . "CR3" . "Complement receptor type 3 (CR3) is a member of the beta-2 integrin family that is found on the surface of leukocytes. Recently, it has been demonstrated that CR3 serves as a target for CyaA protein. CyaA is a member of Repeats in ToXin (RTX) protein family that comprises major virulence factors of several Gram-negative bacteria. Interaction of CyaA with CR3 on immune cells triggers inhibition of microbicidal functions, induction of apoptosis and disrupts innate antibacterial immune response. The aimof the study is to clarify the mutual interaction of CyaA with CR3. The interaction of CyaA will be studied both in vivo on CR3 expressing cells and in vitro using isolated CR3 complex. Interaction of CR3 with CyaA will be analyzed taking advantage of the mass spectrometry equipment that allows very high precision and resolution tandem mass spectrometric analyzes for probing protein structure using chemical modification and cross-linking reagents. In the next step the structure of the CyaA-CR3 complex"@en . "2009-04-22+02:00"^^ . " electron microscopy" . "2009-12-31+01:00"^^ . "Komplementov\u00FD receptor typu 3 (CR3) je \u010Dlen rodiny beta-2 integrin\u016F, kter\u00FD se nach\u00E1z\u00ED na povrchu n\u011Bkter\u00FDch typ\u016F leukocyt\u016F. Ned\u00E1vno bylo uk\u00E1z\u00E1no, \u017Ee CR3 slou\u017E\u00ED jako specifick\u00FD bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00FD receptor pro protein CyaA. Tento protein pat\u0159\u00ED do rodiny tzv. RTX (Repeats in ToXin) toxin\u016F produkovan\u00FDch celou \u0159adou gramnegativn\u00EDch bakteri\u00ED, kter\u00E9 jsou lidsk\u00FDmi, \u017Eivo\u010Di\u0161n\u00FDmi a rostlinn\u00FDmi patogeny. Vazba CyaA k bu\u0148k\u00E1m imunitn\u00EDho syst\u00E9mu vede k naru\u0161en\u00ED jejich mikrobicidn\u00EDch funkc\u00ED, indukuje apopt\u00F3zu a ovliv\u0148uje maturaci dendritick\u00FDch bun\u011Bk. C\u00EDlem tohoto projektu je analyzovat mechanismus vz\u00E1jemn\u00E9 interakce proteinu CyaA s receptorem CR3. Vazba CyaA na CR3 bude studov\u00E1na jak na bu\u0148k\u00E1ch exprimuj\u00EDc\u00EDch CR3 receptor, tak na izolovan\u00FDch komplexech CR3. K identifikacioblast\u00ED zodpov\u011Bdn\u00FDch za vz\u00E1jemnou interakci bude pou\u017Eita metoda chemick\u00E9ho zes\u00ED\u0165ov\u00E1n\u00ED molekul pomoc\u00ED bifunk\u010Dn\u00EDch s\u00ED\u0165ovac\u00EDch \u010Dinidel a hmotnostn\u00ED spektrometrie. Dal\u0161\u00EDm krokem bude ur\u010Dit trojrozm\u011Brnou strukturu komplexu CyaA-CR3 pomoc\u00ED metody negativn\u00EDho" . . . " RTX toxin" . "CR3; complement receptor; CyaA; RTX toxin; electron microscopy; cross-linking"@en . " CyaA" . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GP310/07/P115"^^ . . . " complement receptor" . .