"2"^^ . "0"^^ . . . . "The care about patients with neurasthenia-chronic fatigue syndrome"@en . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GP309/01/P058"^^ . "People with chronic fatigue syndrome make demanding part of mentally, but primarily somatically patients This condition is difficult to diagnose, to treat and represents considerable financial charges because of not unit health care of this patients. We evaluate the effect of antidepressant therapy and complementary procedure in sample of 30 ill with chronic fatigue syndrome (comprehensive examined) diagnostic by the Fukuda's criteria The contribution on health (subjective and objective status, quality of life, frequency of symptoms) and on managing costs (general frequency of visit and medical examinations, direct financial charges) will be observed We shall try to determine diagnostic and and therapeutic procedure, to elaborate the data in form of publications, lectures and informative leaflets for use of general practitioners. The aim of this study is to make the diagnostic and therapeutic process of patients suffering from this obscure status more effective"@en . . . . . "P\u201A\u017Ae o pacienty s neurasteni\u02C7-chronick\u011Bm \u0141navov\u011Bm syndromem" . . . "GP309/01/P058" . . "1"^^ . . . "2009-06-15+02:00"^^ . . . . "Zpr\u00A0va byla dopln\u0158na reprinty publikac\u02C7 a hodnocen\u02C7m postupu prac\u02C7 podle garanta. P\u00FDipom\u02C7nky:1. v\u011Bstupem v\u0158deck\u201A \u017A\u00A0sti grantov\u201Aho projektu je jeden poster a jeden abstrakt v mezin\u00A0rodn\u02C7m \u017Aasopise. Abstrakt je velmi kr\u00A0tk\u011B (cca 175 slov, polovina jednoho"@cs . "2"^^ . "0"^^ . "Lid\u201A s chronick\u011Bm \u0141navov\u011Bm syndromem tvo\u00FD\u02C7 n\u00A0ro\u017Anou \u017Aast pacient\u2026 psychiatrick\u011Bch, ale hlavn\u0158 somatick\u011Bch obor\u2026. Tento chorobn\u011B stav je obt\u02C7\u00A7n\u0158 diagnostikovateln\u011B, l\u201A\u017Aiteln\u011B a znamen\u00A0 zna\u017An\u201A finan\u017An\u02C7 n\u00A0klady p\u00FDi rozt\u00FD\u02C7\u00E7t\u0158n\u201A zdravotn\u02C7 p\u201A\u017Ai o tyto pacientyU sledovan\u201Aho souboru 30 nemocn\u011Bch s CFS (komplexn\u0158 vy\u00E7et\u00FDen\u011Bch) diagnostikovan\u011Bch dle Fukudov\u011Bch krit\u201Ari\u02C7 zhodnot\u02C7me efekt antidepresivn\u02C7 terapie a dopl\u013Akov\u011Bch postup\u2026. Sledov\u00A0n bude p\u00FD\u02C7nos zdravotnick\u011B (subj. a obj. stav, kvalita \u00A7ivota, \u017Aetnost symptom\u2026), a p\u00FD\u02C7m\u011B provozn\u0158 ekonomick\u011B (celkov\u00A0 \u017Aetnost n\u00A0v\u00E7t\u0158v a vy\u00E7et\u00FDen\u02C7, finan\u017An\u02C7 n\u00A0roky) .Pokus\u02C7me se stanovit diagnostick\u201A a terapeutick\u201A postupy, zpracovat \u0141daje a prezentovat formou publikac\u02C7, p\u00FDedn\u00A0\u00E7ek na odborn\u201Am foru a informa\u017An\u02C7ho let\u00A0ku do ordinac\u02C7 praktick\u011Bch l\u201Aka\u00FD\u2026. C\u02C7lem t\u201Ato pr\u00A0ce je zlep\u00E7it a zefektivnit diagnostiku a terapii pacient\u2026 s t\u02C7mto nejasn\u011Bm stavem." . "Neuvedeno."@en .