"Projekt p\u00FDev\u00A0\u00A7n\u0158 ov\u0158\u00FDoval aplikaci CRFP p\u00A0s\u2026 pro zesilov\u00A0n\u02C7 \u017Ai sanaci \u00A7elezobetonov\u011Bch konstrukc\u02C7. V publikac\u02C7ch jsou prezentov\u00A0ny v\u011Bsledky experiment\u2026 a uk\u00A0zky aplikac\u02C7. D\u02C7l\u017A\u02C7 c\u02C7le byly spln\u0158ny pouze \u017A\u00A0ste\u017An\u0158. Z tohoto hlediska nejsou \u0141daje v z\u00A0v\u0158re\u017An\u201A"@cs . "P\u00FDedm\u0158tem projektu je v\u011Bzkum zesilov\u00A0n\u02C7 \u00A7elezobetonov\u011Bch konstrukc\u02C7 pomoc\u02C7 materi\u00A0l\u2026 na b\u00A0zi uhl\u02C7ku. Bude se jednat o problematiku pou\u00A7it\u02C7 tvarovan\u011Bch lamel, lamel s mo\u00A7nost\u02C7 jejich \u017A\u00A0ste\u017An\u201Aho p\u00FDedp\u0158t\u02C7 pomoc\u02C7 mechanick\u201Aho kotven\u02C7, tkanin, beton\u00A0\u00FDsk\u201A v\u011Bztu\u00A7e na b\u00A0zi uhl\u02C7kat\u011Bch vl\u00A0ken (FRP Reinforcing bars) a p\u00FDedp\u02C7nac\u02C7ch kabel\u2026 ze stejn\u201Aho materi\u00A0lu (CFRP cables). FRP Reinforcing bars a CFRP cables p\u00FDedstavuj\u02C7 nov\u011B druh materi\u00A0lu vyzna\u017Auj\u02C7c\u02C7 se zejm\u201Ana vysokou pevnost\u02C7. Navrhovan\u011B projekt se zam\u0158\u00FDujena stanoven\u02C7 chov\u00A0n\u02C7 zes\u02C7len\u011Bch prvk\u2026 a konstrukc\u02C7 p\u00FDi r\u2026zn\u011Bch druz\u02C7ch nam\u00A0h\u00A0n\u02C7 a uspo\u00FD\u00A0d\u00A0n\u02C7 zesiluj\u02C7c\u02C7ch prvk\u2026. Bude sledov\u00A0n i \u0141\u017Ainek zv\u011B\u00E7en\u011Bch teplot na funkci zes\u02C7len\u011Bch prvk\u2026. V\u011Bzkum bude zahrnovat \u017A\u00A0st experiment\u00A0ln\u02C7 a \u017A\u00A0st teoretickou. Experiment\u00A0ln\u02C7 \u017A\u00A0st bude navazovat na v\u011Bsledky z\u02C7skan\u201A v zahrani\u017An\u02C7ch laborato\u00FD\u02C7ch a uve\u00FDejn\u0158n\u201A v zahrani\u017An\u02C7 literatu\u00FDe ( nap\u00FD. EMPA D\uFFFDbendorf, CH, USA aj. ). Zkou\u00E7ky se budou prov\u00A0d\u0158t na laboratorn\u02C7ch vzorc\u02C7ch i na re\u00A0ln\u011Bch konstrukc\u02C7ch. Teoretick\u00A0 \u017A\u00A0st" . "Neuvedeno."@en . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GP103/01/P057"^^ . . "0"^^ . "Strengthening structures using materials in the base carbon"@en . . "GP103/01/P057" . . . . . "The object of the project is the research of the strengthening concrete structures using materials in the base carbon. The research will conserve will problems using formed strips, strips pressurised using mechanical anchors, wraps, FRP Reinforcing bars and CFRP cables. FRP Reinforcing bars and CFRP cables represent new class materials with the very high strength. The research project range to destination behaviour strengthening element and structures at different run stress and different ordering strengthening elements. 1 will observe influence rise temperature at the function strengthening structures and elements. Research will influence part experimental and part theoretical. The experimental part will be continue with results obtain in the foreign laboratory (EMPA D\uFFFDbendorf, CH, research laboratory USA). The experiments will be execute at the laboratory samples and the real structures in situ. Theoretical part will be containing mathematical model behaviour strengthening structures in limi"@en . . "12"^^ . . "12"^^ . . . "2009-06-15+02:00"^^ . . "0"^^ . . "Zesilov\u00A0n\u02C7 konstrukc\u02C7 materi\u00A0ly na b\u00A0zi uhl\u02C7ku" . . . "1"^^ . . . .