. . "2007-07-01+02:00"^^ . . . . . . . "Experimental evidence shows that, differing from the behaviour of middle atmosphere temperature, mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) winds do not exhibit a clear long-term trend pattern, which is probably due to the interplay of lower and middle atmospheric sources of MLT dynamical variations. To clarify the role of different sources in MLT variations, time series of MLT winds will be investigated to search for structural changes in long-term trends. As the available time series are relatively short and inhomogeneous, sophisticated statistical tools will be used to assess the time when possible trends change their structure and the type of these changes. These analyses will be complemented by comparison with variations and trends of troposphere-stratosphere parameters related to dynamics, ozone behaviour, lower ionospheric parameters, and external influence of solar origin to obtain information on possible sources of the MLT wind trends and their changes. Numerical modelling of the middle atmosphere response to lower atmosphere changes will be performed using state-of-the-art global circulation models of the middle atmosphere. Time slice runs based upon reanalysis data will be used to clarify the influence of the lower atmosphere on MLT region trends."@en . "2015-02-09+01:00"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GC205/07/J052"^^ . "GC205/07/J052" . "Experiment\u00E1ln\u00ED d\u016Fkazy ukazuj\u00ED, \u017Ee na rozd\u00EDl od teploty v\u011Btry v\u00A0oblasti mezosf\u00E9ry a doln\u00ED termosf\u00E9ry (MLT) nevykazuj\u00ED jasn\u00FD obraz dlouhodob\u00E9ho trendu, co\u017E je pravd\u011Bpodobn\u011B vyvol\u00E1no sou\u010Dasn\u00FDm p\u016Fsoben\u00EDm zdroj\u016F z\u00A0doln\u00ED a st\u0159edn\u00ED atmosf\u00E9ry na zm\u011Bny dynamiky v\u00A0MLT. Pro objasn\u011Bn\u00ED role r\u016Fzn\u00FDch zdroj\u016F v\u00A0zm\u011Bn\u00E1ch v\u00A0MLT budeme studovat \u010Dasov\u00E9 \u0159ady MLT v\u011Btr\u016F z\u00A0hlediska struktur\u00E1ln\u00EDch zm\u011Bn dlouhodob\u00FDch trend\u016F. \u010Casov\u00E9 \u0159ady, kter\u00E9 jsou k\u00A0dispozici, jsou relativn\u011B kr\u00E1tk\u00E9 a nehomogenn\u00ED, proto pro nalezen\u00ED obdob\u00ED mo\u017En\u00FDch zm\u011Bn trend\u016F a typu t\u011Bchto zm\u011Bn budeme pou\u017E\u00EDvat sofistikovan\u00E9 statistick\u00E9 metody. Takov\u00E9to anal\u00FDzy budeme dopl\u0148ovat srovn\u00E1n\u00EDm s\u00A0variacemi a trendy parametr\u016F stratosf\u00E9ry a troposf\u00E9ry spojen\u00FDch s\u00A0dynamikou, chov\u00E1n\u00EDm oz\u00F3nu a parametr\u016F doln\u00ED ionosf\u00E9ry i s\u00A0vn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDmi vlivy slune\u010Dn\u00EDho p\u016Fvodu, abychom z\u00EDskali informace o mo\u017En\u00FDch zdroj\u00EDch trend\u016F ve v\u011Btrech v\u00A0MLT a o jejich zm\u011Bn\u00E1ch. Budeme prov\u00E1d\u011Bt numerick\u00E9 modelov\u00E1n\u00ED odezvy st\u0159edn\u00ED atmosf\u00E9ry na zm\u011Bny v\u00A0doln\u00ED atmosf\u00E9\u0159e pomoc\u00ED modern\u00EDch glob\u00E1ln\u00EDch cirkula\u010Dn\u00EDch model\u016F st\u0159edn\u00ED atmosf\u00E9ry. Modelov\u00E1n\u00ED \u010Dasov\u00FDch \u0159ez\u016F dat z\u00A0meteorologick\u00FDch re-anal\u00FDz pou\u017Eijeme pro objasn\u011Bn\u00ED vlivu doln\u00ED atmosf\u00E9ry na trendy v\u00A0MLT oblasti." . "Solution project was on schedule in terms of both professional and innovative use of funds."@en . "Zm\u011Bny dlouhodob\u00FDch trend\u016F v dynamice horn\u00ED atmosf\u00E9ry"@en . "Zm\u011Bny dlouhodob\u00FDch trend\u016F v dynamice horn\u00ED atmosf\u00E9ry" . "\u0158e\u0161en\u00ED projektu prob\u011Bhlo podle pl\u00E1nu jak z hlediska odborn\u00E9ho tak i z hlediska \u010Derp\u00E1n\u00ED finan\u010Dn\u00EDch prost\u0159edk\u016F."@cs . . "1"^^ . "long-term trend" . . . " wind" . "2010-04-16+02:00"^^ . . . . "0"^^ . "long-term trend; wind; mesosphere and lower thermosphere"@en . . . "5"^^ . "5"^^ . "2010-06-30+02:00"^^ .