"Creating a Czech Instrument for Measuring Academic Tacit Knowledge"@en . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GAP407/12/0821"^^ . . "2015-04-23+02:00"^^ . "9"^^ . . "9"^^ . "2016-12-31+01:00"^^ . "Deferred Final Report"@en . . . . "2014-03-17+01:00"^^ . "Odlo\u017Een\u00E1 z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dn\u00E1 zpr\u00E1va"@cs . . . "GAP407/12/0821" . . "0"^^ . "Vytvo\u0159en\u00ED \u010Desk\u00E9ho n\u00E1stroje pro m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED akademick\u00FDch tacitn\u00EDch znalost\u00ED" . . "2012-01-01+01:00"^^ . "Projekt je zam\u011B\u0159en na z\u00EDsk\u00E1n\u00ED a roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED nov\u00FDch poznatk\u016F o mo\u017Enostech identifikace a m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED tacitn\u00EDch znalost\u00ED. Jeho c\u00EDlem je vytvo\u0159it \u010Desk\u00FD n\u00E1stroj pro m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED akademick\u00FDch tacitn\u00EDch znalost\u00ED a ov\u011B\u0159it jej na vybran\u00FDch univerzit\u00E1ch v \u010CR. Tacitn\u00ED znalosti jako takov\u00E9 ovliv\u0148uj\u00ED \u00FAsp\u011B\u0161nost jedince a akademick\u00E9 tacitn\u00ED znalosti jsou nav\u00EDc spojeny s v\u00FDznamnou etapou profesn\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDpravy jedince. Chceme-li je rozv\u00EDjet, mus\u00EDme b\u00FDt schopni je nejprve ur\u010Dit\u00FDm zp\u016Fsobem identifikovat a ide\u00E1ln\u011B i zm\u011B\u0159it. Vytvo\u0159en\u00FD n\u00E1stroj pro m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED akademick\u00FDch tacitn\u00EDch znalost\u00ED umo\u017En\u00ED individualizaci a diferenciaci studia, v\u010Dasn\u00E9 odhalen\u00ED talent\u016F. Budeme-li schopni rozpoznat, kter\u00E9 subjekty maj\u00ED akademick\u00E9 tacitn\u00ED znalosti a kter\u00E9 ne, bude tak\u00E9 mo\u017Eno se l\u00E9pe v\u00FDzkumn\u011B zam\u011B\u0159it i na faktory, kter\u00E9 formov\u00E1n\u00ED tacitn\u00EDch znalost\u00ED podporuj\u00ED. V\u00FDstupy projektu bude v\u00FDzkumn\u00E1 studie o mo\u017Enostech identifikace, m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED a v\u00FDzkumu tacitn\u00EDch znalost\u00ED, vytvo\u0159en\u00FD n\u00E1stroj pro m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED akademick\u00FDch tacitn\u00EDch znalost\u00ED a z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dn\u00E1 studie o ov\u011B\u0159en\u00ED a vyu\u017Eitelnosti p\u0159ipraven\u00E9ho n\u00E1stroje pro m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED akademick\u00FDch tacitn\u00EDch znalost\u00ED." . . "Tacit Knowledge measuring knowledge academic tacit knowledge identification of knowledge"@en . . "1"^^ . . . "This project is oriented on the expansion and dissemination of knowledge about the possibilities of the identification and measurement of Tacit Knowledge. Its aim is to create a Czech instrument for the measurement of academic tacit knowledge and to verify this at chosen universities in the Czech Republic. Tacit Knowledge influences the success of individuals. Academic tacit knowledge is to a significant extent to the professional preparation of individuals. If we want to develop this, then we must be able to identify it and also be able to measure it. The creation of an instrument for the measurement of academic tacit knowledge will enable the individualisation and the differentiation of studies, the identification of hidden talents, as well as our better research orientation on those factors which support the forming of tacit knowledge. The project outputs will be a research study of the possibilities for the identification of Tacit Knowledge, the creation of an instrument for the measurement of academic tacit knowledge and a Concluding Study about its verification."@en . . . . "0"^^ . . . .