. . . "Pr\u00E1ce p\u0159edpokl\u00E1d\u00E1 vyhodnocen\u00ED renesan\u010Dn\u00EDho a barokn\u00EDho skla ze \u010Dty\u0159 oblast\u00ED pramen\u016F: archeologick\u00FDch n\u00E1lez\u016F (s d\u016Frazem na Brno, Bratislavu a V\u00EDde\u0148), muzejn\u00EDch sb\u00EDrek, p\u00EDsemn\u00FDch doklad\u016F a skl\u00E1\u0159sk\u00FDch hut\u00ED. Detailn\u00ED typologie skla spole\u010Dn\u011B s chemick\u00FDmi anal\u00FDzami skla poskytnou z\u00E1sadn\u00E9 informace pro stanoven\u00ED distribu\u010Dn\u00EDch okruh\u016F a obchodu se sklem. Systematick\u00E9 anal\u00FDzy n\u00E1lez\u016F up\u0159esn\u00ED technologick\u00FD v\u00FDvoj v\u00FDroby sm\u011B\u0159uj\u00EDc\u00ED od renesan\u010Dn\u00EDho skla k barokn\u00ED produkci. V p\u0159\u00EDpad\u011B baroka archeologick\u00E9 n\u00E1lezy dolo\u017E\u00ED skute\u010Dn\u00FD rozsah vyr\u00E1b\u011Bn\u00FDch typ\u016F p\u0159edm\u011Bt\u016F b\u011B\u017En\u00E9 denn\u00ED spot\u0159eby. Sou\u010D\u00E1st\u00ED vyhodnocen\u00ED bude rovn\u011B\u017E sledov\u00E1n\u00ED pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00ED skla v jednotliv\u00FDch spole\u010Densk\u00FDch vrstv\u00E1ch. Pr\u00E1ce bude sm\u011B\u0159ovat k vypracov\u00E1n\u00ED textu monografie a p\u0159\u00EDprav\u011B materi\u00E1lu k v\u00FDstavn\u00EDm \u00FA\u010Del\u016Fm." . "2015-12-31+01:00"^^ . . . "Renesan\u010Dn\u00ED sklo a po\u010D\u00E1tky barokn\u00EDho skl\u00E1\u0159stv\u00ED v archeologick\u00FDch n\u00E1lezech regionu st\u0159edn\u00EDho Podunaj\u00ED" . "1"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "2012-01-01+01:00"^^ . . "6"^^ . "GAP405/12/1411" . "2014-03-31+02:00"^^ . "6"^^ . . "renaissance barocque trade glass chemical analysis Moravia Austria Slovakia"@en . . "The research involves the evaluation of the Renaissance and Baroque glass from four fields of resources: archeological findings (with focus on: Brno, Bratislava respective Vienna), museum collections, written documents and glassworks. The detailed typology of glass together with chemical analysis of glass provide principle information for the determination of the distribution circles and glass trade. The systematic analysis of findings shall specify the technological development of production in the direction from the Renaissance glass to the Baroque production. In case of Baroque, the archeological findings shall prove the real scope of the produced types of things of the usual daily consumption. A part of the evaluation will be also following the glass utilization in individual classes of the society. The main outcome of the research will be a monograph."@en . . "Renaissance glass and outset of the Baroque glass-making in the Central Danube Region"@en . . . "2015-04-23+02:00"^^ . . . . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GAP405/12/1411"^^ . . "0"^^ .