"Spinal cord injury repair using biomodified hydrogels with oriented channels"@en . . "Spinal cord injury (SCI) often results in a loss of motor and sensory function as a consequence of the inability of axons to regenerate across the lesion. The aim of the proposed project is to develop biocompatible poly(2-hydroxethyl methacrylate)-based hydrogels with oriented channels that will bridge a spinal cord lesion, support functional axonal re-growth and may serve simultaneously as a stem cellcarrier. To improve cell adhesion and growth, bioadhesive or other bioactive molecules will be immobilized onto hydrogel surface. The biocompatibility and the regenerative potential of the hydrogel scaffolds will be assessed in vitro using cell cultures as well as in vivo inexperimental model of\u00A0 SCI (spinal cord hemisection and transection). The results will contribute significantly to expanding current knowledge about the biomaterials and cell therapy in the treatment of spinal cordinjury."@en . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GAP304/11/0731"^^ . . "0"^^ . . . "biomaterials hydrogels spinal cord lesion mesenchymal stem cells"@en . "Poran\u011Bn\u00ED m\u00EDchy vede \u010Dasto ke ztr\u00E1t\u011B motorick\u00FDch a senzorick\u00FDch funkc\u00ED v d\u016Fsledku omezen\u00E9 schopnosti regenerace p\u0159eru\u0161en\u00FDch axon\u016F v oblasti l\u00E9ze. C\u00EDlem navrhovan\u00E9ho projektu je v\u00FDvoj biokompatibiln\u00EDch hydrogelov\u00FDch konstrukt\u016F na b\u00E1zi poly(2-hydroxyethyl methakryl\u00E1tu) s orientovanou porositou, kter\u00E9 budou slou\u017Eit jako nosi\u010De pro transplantaci kmenov\u00FDch bun\u011Bk a po implantaci do m\u00ED\u0161n\u00ED l\u00E9ze umo\u017En\u00ED funk\u010Dn\u00ED p\u0159emost\u011Bn\u00ED a regeneraci po\u0161kozen\u00E9 nervov\u00E9 tk\u00E1n\u011B. Povrch hydrogel\u016F bude modifikov\u00E1n imobilizac\u00ED bioadhezivn\u00EDch a jin\u00FDch bioaktivn\u00EDch molekul. Biokompatibilita a\u00A0 regenerativn\u00ED potenci\u00E1l t\u011Bchto konstrukt\u016F\u00A0 bude ov\u011B\u0159ov\u00E1na in vitro na tk\u00E1\u0148ov\u00FDch kultur\u00E1ch a in vivo na experiment\u00E1ln\u00EDch modelech m\u00ED\u0161n\u00EDho po\u0161kozen\u00ED (m\u00ED\u0161n\u00ED hemisekce, transsekce). V\u00FDsledky studie p\u0159isp\u011Bj\u00ED k roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED znalost\u00ED v oblasti pou\u017Eit\u00ED biomateri\u00E1l\u016F a bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00E9 terapie v l\u00E9\u010Db\u011B m\u00ED\u0161n\u00EDho poran\u011Bn\u00ED." . . . . . . "2013-12-31+01:00"^^ . . . "Projekt vedl k nov\u00FDm poznatk\u016Fm p\u0159i v\u00FDvoji biokompatibiln\u00EDch hydrogel\u016F na b\u00E1zi poly(2-hydroxyethyl methakryl\u00E1tu) pro regeneraci m\u00ED\u0161n\u00EDho po\u0161kozen\u00ED. Modifikovan\u00E9 materi\u00E1ly stimulovaly vr\u016Fst\u00E1n\u00ED axon\u016F a dal\u0161\u00EDch tk\u00E1\u0148ov\u00FDch struktur do implant\u00E1tu a umo\u017Enily p\u0159emost\u011Bn\u00ED po\u0161kozen\u00E9 m\u00ED\u0161n\u00ED tk\u00E1n\u011B. P\u016Fvodn\u00ED v\u00FDsledky k t\u00E9matu byly publikov\u00E1ny v 4 publikac\u00EDch v impaktovan\u00FDch \u010Dasopisech. C\u00EDle projektu byly spln\u011Bny."@cs . . "2011-01-01+01:00"^^ . . . "GAP304/11/0731" . "Project lead to new knowledge in development of biocompatible hydrogels based on poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) for regeneration of spinal cord injury. Modified materials stimulated ingrowth of axons and other structures into the graft and permitted bridging the damaged spinal cord tissue. Original results were published in 4 papers in journals with impact factor. Project goals were reached."@en . . "10"^^ . "10"^^ . "1"^^ . . "2013-06-06+02:00"^^ . "1"^^ . "L\u00E9\u010Dba m\u00ED\u0161n\u00EDho poran\u011Bn\u00ED pomoc\u00ED biomodifikovan\u00FDch hydrogel\u016F s orientovanou porositou" . "2014-07-01+02:00"^^ . . .