"0"^^ . "54"^^ . . . . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA524/04/0342"^^ . . . . . . . . "Tapeworms (Cestoda) of the order Pseudophyllidea are parasites of marine fish and other vertebrates, including man and freshwater fish in aquaculture (species of the genera Diphyllobothrium, Spirometra, Ligula, Digramma and Triaenophorus, Bothriocephalus"@en . . "0"^^ . . . . . "Neuvedeno."@en . "Tasemnice \u0159\u00E1du Pseudophyllidea (\u0161t\u011Brbinovky) zahrnuj\u00ED tak\u00E9 v\u00FDznamn\u00E9 a patogenn\u00ED cizopasn\u00EDky \u010Dlov\u011Bka a sladkovodn\u00EDch ryb (nap\u0159. \u0161kulovce rod\u016F Diphyllobothrium a Triaenophorus, spargana rodu Spirometra, \u0159emenatky rod\u016F Ligula a Digramma, tasemnici Bothrioce"@cs . "1"^^ . "Paraphyly of pseudophyllidean tapeworms (Cestoda): testing a phylogenetic hypothesis using morphological, life-cycle and sequence data"@en . "GA524/04/0342" . "C\u00EDlem projektu je, na z\u00E1klad\u011B existuj\u00EDc\u00EDch i nov\u011B z\u00EDskan\u00FDch morfologick\u00FDch, biologick\u00FDch a molekul\u00E1rn\u00EDch \u00FAdaj\u016F, posoudit p\u0159\u00EDbuzensk\u00E9 vztahy mezi jednotliv\u00FDmi skupinami tasemnic \u0159\u00E1du Pseudophyllidea, v\u010Detn\u011B z\u00E1stupc\u016F l\u00E9ka\u0159sky a veterin\u00E1rn\u011B v\u00FDznamn\u00FDch skupin (Diphyllobothrium, Ligula, Bothriocephalus, atd.). Pomoc\u00ED standardn\u00EDch taxonomick\u00FDch (morfologie, povrchov\u00E1 ultrastruktura, studium v\u00FDvojov\u00FDch cykl\u016F) a molekul\u00E1rn\u011B-fylogenetick\u00FDch metod (sekvenov\u00E1n\u00ED ribosom\u00E1ln\u00EDch gen\u016F) bude testov\u00E1na hypot\u00E9za o mo\u017En\u00E9 parafylii zm\u00EDn\u011Bn\u00E9ho \u0159\u00E1du. V p\u0159\u00EDpad\u011B potvrzen\u00ED uveden\u00E9 domn\u011Bnky bude dal\u0161\u00EDm c\u00EDlem nalezen\u00ED vhodn\u00FDch znak\u016F, kter\u00E9 by umo\u017Enily charakterizovat nov\u011B odli\u0161en\u00E9 skupiny a navrhnout klasifikaci, kter\u00E1 by odr\u00E1\u017Eela jejich p\u0159irozen\u00E9 vztahy. Navrhovan\u00FD projekt, kter\u00FD navazuje na p\u0159edchoz\u00ED granty navrhovatele, by m\u011Bl poskytnout nezbytn\u00E9 k lep\u0161\u00EDmu pozn\u00E1n\u00ED evoluce tasemnic i fylogenetick\u00E9ho v\u00FDznamu jejich morfologick\u00FDch a biologick\u00FDch adaptac\u00ED k parazitismu. V\u00FDznamnou sou\u010D\u00E1st\u00ED projektuje i zapojen\u00ED" . "2007-10-16+02:00"^^ . . "Parafylie tasemnic \u0159\u00E1du Pseudophyllidea (Cestoda): testov\u00E1n\u00ED fylogenetick\u00E9 hypot\u00E9zy pomoc\u00ED morfologick\u00FDch, biologick\u00FDch a molekul\u00E1rn\u00EDch dat" . . "54"^^ . . "The principal objective of the project is to assess phylogenetic relationships of tapeworms (Cestoda) of the order Pseudophyllidea, including the groups of medical and veterinary importance, such as Diphyllobothrium, Ligula, Bothriocephalus, etc. A hypothesis of possible paraphyly of the order will be tested on the basis of the examination of morphological, life-cycles and sequence data, using methods of conventional taxonomy (morphology, surface ultrastructure, life-cycle observations), sequence analyses, and phylogenetics. If the hypothesis is confirmed, then individual clades will be characterized with the emphasis given to the evaluation of phylogenetic importance of morphological characters and their use in the classification of pseudophyllidean tapeworms. The proposed project, which represents a continuation of previous grant projects of the applicants, will help us to better understand the evolution of cestodes and phylogenetic importance of their morphological and biological"@en .