. . . . "GA406/99/P063" . "Influence of game on the development of the child's creativity"@en . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA406/99/P063"^^ . . "Vyt\u010Den\u00E9 c\u00EDle autor splnil a odbornou ve\u0159ejnost se sv\u00FDmi v\u00FDsledky sezn\u00E1mil v odborn\u00FDch publikac\u00EDch. Publikac\u00ED %22nad pl\u00E1n%22 je zda\u0159il\u00FD historick\u00FD pohled na funkce a hry a jej\u00ED prom\u011Bny. V\u00FDsledky jsou odpov\u00EDdaj\u00EDc\u00EDm zp\u016Fsobem shrnuty v z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dn\u00E9 kart\u011B projektu."@cs . "2003-04-01+02:00"^^ . . . "P\u0159edkl\u00E1dan\u00FD projekt se sna\u017E\u00ED nejen teoreticky, ale i prakticky p\u0159isp\u011Bt k rozs\u00E1hl\u00E9 problematice rozvoje tvo\u0159ivosti d\u011Bt\u00ED druh\u00E9ho stupn\u011B Z\u0160. Tvo\u0159ivost ve spojen\u00ED s hrou, kter\u00E1 je d\u011Btmi v tomto v\u011Bku je\u0161t\u011B \u010Dasto up\u0159ednost\u0148ov\u00E1na p\u0159ed klasick\u00FDmi metodami v\u00FDuky,n\u00E1m otev\u00EDr\u00E1 nov\u00E9 mo\u017Enosti jak p\u0159irozen\u00FDm zp\u016Fsobem p\u0159iv\u00E9st \u017E\u00E1ky k aktivnosti a tvo\u0159ivosti. C\u00EDlem grantov\u00E9ho projektu je mimo jin\u00E9 navrhnout a ov\u011B\u0159it typologii tvo\u0159iv\u00FDch her, sestavit p\u016Fvodn\u00ED soubor her pro rozvoj kreativity, kter\u00FD p\u0159ekra\u010Duje r\u00E1mec tzv. %22cvi\u010Den\u00ED%22, ov\u011B\u0159it, do jak\u00E9 m\u00EDry intelekt koreluje s tvo\u0159ivost\u00ED, zjistit, jak lze vyu\u017E\u00EDt tzv. mimointelektov\u00E9 schopnosti osobnosti k rozvoji tvo\u0159ivosti apod. Z\u00EDskan\u00E9 poznatky jsou v z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dn\u00E9 b\u00E1zi pr\u00E1ce formou sborn\u00EDku nab\u00EDdnuty k obohacen\u00ED pedagogick\u00E9 teorie i praxe. Pozornost je tak\u00E9 v\u011Bnov\u00E1na n\u00E1vrhu koncepce rozvoje dovednost\u00ED budouc\u00EDch pedagog\u016F (anim\u00E1tor\u016F), pracuj\u00EDc\u00EDch v oblasti voln\u00E9ho \u010Dasu i ve \u0161kole." . . . . "Vliv hry na rozvoj tvo\u0159ivosti d\u011Bt\u00ED" . "0"^^ . "24"^^ . "24"^^ . . "0"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "Neuvedeno."@en . . . "The goal of the project is to enlarge the notion of the development of basic school children evaluation in a practical and theoretical ways. The evaluation combined with a play - which is preferred to the traditional ways of learning - opens new possibilities how to use natural means to make the children learn actively and inventively. The task is to suggest and prove the typology of inventiveness games and plays, make a set of games to develop the creativity, which goes far beyond the field of %22exercises%22 and last but not least to learn how to use non-intellectual abilities to increase the creativity. The results will presented as a collected papers dealing with games which will be provided to general pedagogical public to enrich the present theory and practical ways of teaching. Part of the work is also devoted to the concept of further teacher training (animators) working in leisure time and school activities."@en .