"Grounded aspects in phonetic description of connected speech"@en . . . . . . . . "2008-06-02+02:00"^^ . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA405/02/0201"^^ . . . . . "19"^^ . "The objective of the research will be the analysis of the relationship among categories of phonetic description, acoustic qualities of the sound which constitutes the foundation of those categories, and their perceptual values as represented by the effects on the recipient of the verbal message. The objective is to find out and experimentally substantiate the type of correspondence between various aspects and units of the three above mentioned mutually dependent systems in Czech. The following tentative antagonisms, essential for proper description of connected speech in Czech, will be in the centre of attention: the phonetic word as a homogenous vs. a heterogenous unit; non-finality as a speech product and as a speaker's intention; phonetic phrase as a potential acoustic unit and its definitness in speech production and perception. The output of the project will consist of experimentally verified and acoustically grounded findings concerning foundation of relationships between the word and"@en . . "19"^^ . "S \u00A0rozvojem informa\u010Dn\u00EDch technologi\u00ED stoup\u00E1 z\u00E1jem o vyu\u017Eit\u00ED mluven\u00E9 \u0159e\u010Di, a t\u00EDm i pot\u0159eba konkr\u00E9tn\u00EDch a dolo\u017Een\u00FDch informac\u00ED o jej\u00ED zvukov\u00E9 stavb\u011B. \u00DAkolem projektu\u00A0 bylo prov\u011B\u0159it vztahy mezi aspekty fonetick\u00E9ho popisu, akustick\u00FDmi vlastnostmi \u0159e\u010Di a funk"@cs . . "0"^^ . . . "With the current progress in the field of information technologies (IT), the interest grows in utilization of spoken language, hence the need of specific and reliable facts about its sound structure. The objective of the project was to investigate the re"@en . . "Objektivizace fonetick\u00FDch kategori\u00ED v popisu souvisl\u00E9 \u0159e\u010Di" . "1"^^ . "P\u0159edm\u011Btem v\u00FDzkumu bude anal\u00FDza vztah\u016F mezi pojmy fonetick\u00E9ho popisu, akustick\u00FDmi vlastnostmi zvuku, kter\u00E9 tvo\u0159\u00ED fyzik\u00E1ln\u00ED podstatu t\u011Bchto pojm\u016F, a jejich percep\u010Dn\u00ED hodnotou reprezentovanou \u00FA\u010Dinkem na p\u0159\u00EDjemce sd\u011Blen\u00ED. C\u00EDlem je zjistit a experiment\u00E1ln\u011B dolo\u017Eit druh korespondence mezi aspekty \u010Di jednotkami t\u011Bchto t\u0159\u00ED vz\u00E1jemn\u011B z\u00E1visl\u00FDch soustav v\u00A0\u010De\u0161tin\u011B. Sledov\u00E1ny budou n\u00E1sleduj\u00EDc\u00ED vztahy, \u00FAst\u0159edn\u00ED p\u0159i popisu souvisl\u00E9 \u010De\u0161tiny: p\u0159\u00EDzvukov\u00FD takt jako homogenn\u00ED a jako heterogenn\u00ED jednotka; neukon\u010Denost jakoprodukt \u0159e\u010Di a jako z\u00E1m\u011Br mluv\u010D\u00EDho; promluvov\u00FD \u00FAsek jako potenci\u00E1ln\u00ED zvukov\u00E1 jednotka, jeho ur\u010Ditost z\u00A0hlediska produkce a percepce \u0159e\u010Di. V\u00FDsledkem by m\u011Bly b\u00FDt experiment\u00E1ln\u011B dolo\u017Een\u00E9 \u00FAdaje o zvukov\u00E9m z\u00E1kladu vztah\u016F slovo - takt z hlediska zvukov\u00E9 segmentace, promluvov\u00FD \u00FAsek - syntaktick\u00E1 stavba v\u00FDpov\u011Bdi a promluvov\u00FD \u00FAsek - v\u011Btn\u00FD celek." . "Neuvedeno."@en . . "GA405/02/0201" . "0"^^ .