. "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA401/00/0467"^^ . . "GA401/00/0467" . "0"^^ . "Badatelsk\u00E1 sonda k religionistick\u00E9mu objasn\u011Bn\u00ED vzniku k\u0159es\u0165anstv\u00ED navazuje na st\u00E1vaj\u00EDc\u00ED stav b\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED : Prvotn\u00ED k\u0159es\u0165an\u00E9 vyj\u00E1d\u0159ili svou v\u00EDru pomoc\u00ED p\u0159edstav a titul\u016F,kter\u00E9 p\u0159evzali z \u017Eidovsk\u00E9ho a hel\u00E9nistick\u00E9ho prost\u0159ed\u00ED. Otev\u0159enou a dosud ne\u0159e\u0161enou v\u0161ak z\u016Fst\u00E1v\u00E1 ot\u00E1zka, co bylo mezi \u00FAt\u011Bkem Je\u017E\u00ED\u0161ov\u00FDch p\u0159\u00EDvr\u017Eenc\u016F od k\u0159\u00ED\u017Ee a vznikem t\u011Bchto christologick\u00FDch formul\u00ED. Navrhovatel p\u0159edkl\u00E1d\u00E1 hypothesu o r\u00E9torick\u00E9 figu\u0159e, kategorii erchomenos - p\u0159i\u0161l\u00FD - p\u0159ich\u00E1zej\u00EDc\u00ED, pomoc\u00ED kter\u00E9 vyj\u00E1d\u0159ili Je\u017E\u00ED\u0161ovi p\u0159\u00EDvr\u017Eenci svoprotov\u00EDru a v nav\u00E1z\u00E1n\u00ED na hebrejsk\u00E9, kene\u00E1nsk\u00E9 i hel\u00E9nistick\u00E9 ekvivalenty t\u00E9to p\u0159edstavy otev\u0159eli tak bezd\u011Bky prostor nov\u00E9 interpretaci rod\u00EDc\u00EDho se k\u0159es\u0165ansk\u00E9ho m\u00FDtu v sociokulturn\u00EDch sou\u0159adnic\u00EDch hel\u00E9nismu." . . . . "The explorational probe to the clarification of the birth of Christianity by the means of science of religions follows the actual state of the inquiry: the faith of the early Christians was formulated by the means of the ideas and the titles, which had been adopted from the Hellenistic and Jewish milieu. The question concerning what happened in the interim between the escape of the Jesus' followers from the Crucifixion and the birth of the christological formulae still remains open and unanswered. The researcher presents the hypothesis about a rhetorical figure, the category Of ERCHOMENOS (the coming one), by the means of which the proto-faith of the Jesus' followers was expressed. And the space for the new interpretation of the rising Christian myth was without the intention of doing so opened in articulation with Hebraic, Kenaanic and Hellenistic equivalents of this idea in the social-cultural co-ordinates of Helenism."@en . "1.Projekt p\u0159edstavuje sv\u00E9bytn\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvek k historick\u00E9mu a religionistick\u00E9mu b\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED o po\u010D\u00E1tc\u00EDch k\u0159es\u0165anstv\u00ED. Jeho v\u00FDstupy - zejm\u00E9na ob\u011B kni\u017En\u00ED monografie - jsou podn\u011Btem k multidisciplin\u00E1rn\u00EDmu dialogu na pomez\u00ED historick\u00FDch, religionistick\u00FDch a teologick\u00FD"@cs . "0"^^ . . "2008-05-19+02:00"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . . . "7"^^ . . "Erch\u00F3menos-Maranatha:badatelsk\u00E1 sonda k religionistick\u00E9mu objasn\u011Bn\u00ED vzniku k\u0159es\u0165anstv\u00ED" . . "7"^^ . "Neuvedeno."@en . . . "Erchomenos-Maranatha: an explorational probe to the clarification of the birth of Christianity by the means of science of religions"@en . .