"2009-01-15+01:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "Stem cell therapy: Factors influencing the extent of colonization of recipient's tissues by stem cells."@en . . . "GA304/03/1515" . . . . "0"^^ . . "Bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00E1 terapie: Studium faktor\u016F ovliv\u0148uj\u00EDc\u00EDch m\u00EDru os\u00EDdlen\u00ED tk\u00E1n\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDjemce kmenov\u00FDmi bu\u0148kami." . "Stem cell therapy represents one of the most promising approaches of contemporary medicine to treatment of disorders of different organs and tissues. The proposed project is aimed at definition of technical aspects leading to higher efficiency of thistherapy, i.e. to higher degree of incorporation of stem cells (SCs) in recipient's tissues. Experiments will be done with neural SCs isolated from transgenic mice, in which typical markers are expressed in all cells. We plan to use non-separated as wellas purified neural SCs and SCs modified in vitro (by exposure to cytokines or by co-cultivation with other cell types). Prior each transplantation, biological properties of SCs (used for experiment) will be examined incl. their growth characteristics,multipotency and plasticity (determined by co-cultivation with myoblasts and by using chimaeric embryoid bodies, a model that we have been introduced in the course of our previous GA\u010CR project). SCs will be transplanted to recipients after whole body"@en . "1"^^ . . . "10"^^ . . "Projekt byl zam\u011B\u0159en na charakteristiku neur\u00E1ln\u00EDch kmenov\u00FDch bun\u011Bk (NKB) a bun\u011Bk kostn\u00ED d\u0159en\u011B a\u00A0jejich transplantaci. Charakteristika neur\u00E1ln\u00EDch kmenov\u00FDch bun\u011Bk byla roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159ena o popis jejich radiosenzitivity a popis mikroprost\u0159ed\u00ED subependym\u00E1ln\u00ED z\u00F3ny, kte"@cs . "10"^^ . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA304/03/1515"^^ . . . "Neuvedeno."@en . . . "The project was aimed at\u00A0characterization of\u00A0neural stem cells (NSCs) and cells of the bone marrow and their transplantation. Characteristics of NSCs included\u00A0their radiosensitivity and description of the\u00A0microenvironment of the\u00A0subependymal zone contain"@en . . . . "Bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00E1 terapie pomoc\u00ED kmenov\u00FDch bun\u011Bk (KB) p\u0159edstavuje jeden z nejnad\u011Bjn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch p\u0159\u00EDstup\u016F sou\u010Dasn\u00E9 medic\u00EDny k l\u00E9\u010Db\u011B poruch cel\u00E9 \u0159ady org\u00E1n\u016F a tk\u00E1n\u00ED. Projekt je zam\u011B\u0159en na definov\u00E1n\u00ED technick\u00FDch aspekt\u016F vedouc\u00EDch k vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED \u00FAsp\u011B\u0161nosti t\u00E9to terapie, tj.vy\u0161\u0161\u00EDmu za\u010Dlen\u011Bn\u00ED KB do tk\u00E1n\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDjemce. Experimenty budou prov\u00E1d\u011Bny s neur\u00E1ln\u00EDmi KB (jako z\u00E1stupce org\u00E1nov\u011B specifick\u00FDch KB) izolovan\u00FDmi z transgenn\u00EDch my\u0161\u00ED, jejich\u017E v\u0161echny bu\u0148ky jsou pozna\u010Deny. Budou pou\u017Eity jednak neseparovan\u00E9 i purifikovan\u00E9 neur\u00E1ln\u00EDKB a jednak KB modifikovan\u00E9 in vitro (exposic\u00ED cytokin\u016Fm nebo ko-kultivac\u00ED s jin\u00FDmi typy bun\u011Bk). P\u0159ed ka\u017Edou transplantac\u00ED budou vy\u0161et\u0159eny biologick\u00E9 vlastnosti pou\u017Eit\u00FDch KB v\u010Detn\u011B jejich r\u016Fstov\u00FDch vlastnost\u00ED, potvrzen\u00ED multipotence a vy\u0161et\u0159en\u00EDplasticity (kokultivac\u00ED s myoblasty a pomoc\u00ED chim\u00E9rick\u00FDch embryoidn\u00EDch t\u011Bl\u00EDsek, modelu, kter\u00FD jsme zavedli v pr\u016Fb\u011Bhu \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED p\u0159ede\u0161l\u00E9ho projektu GA\u010CR). KB budou transplantov\u00E1ny p\u0159\u00EDjemc\u016Fm po celot\u011Blov\u00E9m sublet\u00E1ln\u00EDm oz\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED, jedinc\u016Fm s navozen\u00FDm zran\u011Bn\u00EDm" . . .