. . . "1"^^ . . "The project resulted in a range of new chromatographic and mass-spectrometric methods for the complex lipidomic analysis. The results, published as 16 articles in high-quality impacted international journals, 2 invited book chapters, 2 Ph.D. and 4 diploma theses and numerous conference contributions including invited plenary lectures, were awarded 9 times at the international and national level."@en . "1"^^ . "Complex lipidomic characterization of plant and animal tissues"@en . . "0"^^ . . "22"^^ . . . . "The project deals with the analysis of various classes of lipids important for human health and nutrition using new two-stage lipidomic approach. The main goal is the development of HPLC/MS methods for the separation, identification and quantitation of different non-polar lipids (e.g. acyglycerols, wax esters and hydrocarbons) and polar lipids (phosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylethanolamines, sphingomyelines, glycoglycerolipids, etc.) including the determination of double bond positions in intact lipids and their regioisomerism using advanced mass spectrometric techniques (Orbitrap, QqTOF and ion trap mass analyzers) and the chemical derivatization. The retention behavior of lipids will be systematically studied in reversed-phase and silver-ion chromatographic systems with the goal to propose models for the prediction of their retention. The development of software tools for the interpretation of mass spectra of intact lipids and their derivatives is planned as well. The final step is the characterization of in vitro metabolic products of representatives of individual lipid classes."@en . . "22"^^ . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA203/09/0139"^^ . "2009-01-01+01:00"^^ . "GA203/09/0139" . . . . "Komplexn\u00ED lipidomick\u00E1 charakterizace rostlinn\u00FDch a \u017Eivo\u010Di\u0161n\u00FDch tk\u00E1n\u00ED" . "2013-12-31+01:00"^^ . . . "Lipids Phospholipids Mass Spectrometry HPLC/MS"@en . . "2013-06-07+02:00"^^ . . "Grantov\u00FD projekt se zab\u00FDv\u00E1 anal\u00FDzou r\u016Fzn\u00FDch t\u0159\u00EDd lipid\u016F d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00FDch pro lidsk\u00E9 zdrav\u00ED a v\u00FD\u017Eivu s\u00A0vyu\u017Eit\u00EDm nov\u00E9ho dvoustup\u0148ov\u00E9ho lipidomick\u00E9ho p\u0159\u00EDstupu. Hlavn\u00ED c\u00EDl pr\u00E1ce je vypracov\u00E1n\u00ED HPLC/MS metod pro separaci, identifikaci a kvantifikaci r\u016Fzn\u00FDch t\u0159\u00EDd nepol\u00E1rn\u00EDch lipid\u016F (nap\u0159. acyglyceroly, voskov\u00E9 estery a uhlovod\u00EDky) a pol\u00E1rn\u00EDch lipid\u016F (fosfatidylcholiny, fosfatidylethanolaminy, sfingomyeliny, glykoglycerolipidy, atd.) v\u010Detn\u011B ur\u010Den\u00ED poloh dvojn\u00FDch vazeb v\u00A0intaktn\u00EDch lipidech a jejich regioizomerismu s\u00A0vyu\u017Eit\u00EDm pokro\u010Dil\u00FDch hmotnostn\u011B spektrometrick\u00FDch technik (Orbitrap, QqTOF a hmotnostn\u00ED analyz\u00E1tory s\u00A0iontovou past\u00ED) a chemick\u00E9 derivatizace. Reten\u010Dn\u00ED chov\u00E1n\u00ED lipid\u016F bude systematicky studov\u00E1no v chromatografick\u00FDch syst\u00E9mech s obr\u00E1cen\u00FDmi f\u00E1zemi a argenta\u010Dn\u00ED chromatografi\u00ED s\u00A0c\u00EDlem navrhnout modely pro p\u0159edpov\u011B\u010F jejich retence. D\u00E1le je pl\u00E1nov\u00E1no vyvinut\u00ED softwaru pro interpretaci hmotnostn\u00EDch spekter lipid\u016F a jejich deriv\u00E1t\u016F. Posledn\u00ED krok je charakterizace in vitro metabolick\u00FDch produkt\u016F z\u00E1stupc\u016F jednotliv\u00FDch t\u0159\u00EDd lipid\u016F." . "2014-07-01+02:00"^^ . "V\u00FDstupem projektu je \u0159ada nov\u00FDch chromatografick\u00FDch a hmotnostn\u011B-spektrometrick\u00FDch metod pro komplexn\u00ED lipidomickou anal\u00FDzu. V\u00FDsledky, publikovan\u00E9 jako 16 \u010Dl\u00E1nk\u016F v kvalitn\u00EDch impaktovan\u00FDch mezin\u00E1rodn\u00EDch \u010Dasopisech, 2 vyzvan\u00E9 kni\u017En\u00ED kapitoly, 2 diserta\u010Dn\u00ED a 4 diplomov\u00E9 prace a konferen\u010Dn\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvky v\u010Detn\u011B zvan\u00FDch plen\u00E1rn\u00EDch p\u0159edn\u00E1\u0161ek, byly 9kr\u00E1t ocen\u011Bny na mezin\u00E1rodn\u00ED \u010Di n\u00E1rodn\u00ED \u00FArovni."@cs .