. " microfluidics" . "Sou\u010Dasn\u00FD v\u00FDzkum ukazuje, \u017Ee chybn\u00E9 prostorov\u00E9 uspo\u0159\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED (misfolding), nebo agregace protein\u016F zp\u016Fsobuje \u0159adu z\u00E1va\u017En\u00FDch onemocn\u011Bn\u00ED. Tato onemocn\u011Bn\u00ED zahrnuj\u00ED nap\u0159\u00EDklad Alzheimerovu chorobu, Parkinsonovu chorobu, cystickou fibr\u00F3zu, nebo n\u011Bkter\u00E9 typy n\u00E1dorov\u00FDch onemocn\u011Bn\u00ED.\u00A0 Chemick\u00E9 strukturn\u00ED sondy, schopn\u00E9 ovlivnit prostorov\u00E9 uspo\u0159\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED (protein folding), nebo nal\u00E9zt a modifikovat aktivn\u00ED m\u00EDsta protein\u016F jsou st\u0159edem z\u00E1jmu jak pro v\u00FDzkumn\u00E9 \u00FA\u010Dely, tak jako potenci\u00E1ln\u00ED l\u00E9\u010Diva. D\u00EDky pokroku v\u00A0porozum\u011Bn\u00ED molekul\u00E1rn\u00ED povahy nemoc\u00ED roste i pot\u0159eba nov\u00FDch technologi\u00ED vhodn\u00FDch pro sledov\u00E1n\u00ED modifikovan\u00FDch protein\u016F a jejich interakc\u00ED. Nov\u00E9 techniky mus\u00ED b\u00FDt schopn\u00E9 analyzovat velmi mal\u00E1 mno\u017Estv\u00ED vzork\u016F s\u00A0vysokou citlivost\u00ED a jednozna\u010Dnou identifikac\u00ED. Nav\u00EDc jde \u010Dasto o velmi komplikovan\u00E9 vzorky. V\u00A0tomto projektu se chceme zame\u0159it na v\u00FDvoj miniaturizovan\u00FDch analytick\u00FDch syst\u00E9m\u016F pro citlivou anal\u00FDzu protein\u016F, peptid\u016F a DNA komplex\u016F modifikovan\u00FDch strukturn\u00EDmi sondami. Analytick\u00FD syst\u00E9m" . "Microfluidic instrumentation for analyses of biopolymers modified by structural probes"@en . . "Protein misfolding, aggregation or other structural changes cause a number of serious diseases.\u00A0Some examples of the serious, frequently diagnosed disorders include Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, cystic fibrosis and/or some forms of cancer.\u00A0Structuralprobes, capable altering the protein folding or finding active modification sites, are of special interest for research as well as for diagnostic purposes and potential disease treatment. As the understanding of the molecular nature of the diseases increases, so does the need for new technologies suitable for analysis of the modified proteins and their interactions.\u00A0 Such new techniques must be capable of handling very small samples with extreme detection sensitivity and unequivocal identification in often very complex mixtures. This grant application proposes research aimed at the development of miniaturized analytical system for high sensitivity analysis of proteins, peptides and/or DNA complexes modified with structural probes.\u00A0The analytical"@en . "mass spectrometry interfacing" . . . . . "19"^^ . . "19"^^ . "2008-04-25+02:00"^^ . . "Mikroanalytick\u00E1 instrumentace pro anal\u00FDzy biopolymer\u016F modifikovan\u00FDch strukturn\u00EDmi sondami" . . . . . . "1"^^ . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA203/06/1685"^^ . "1"^^ . "Bylo vyvinuto nov\u00E9 elektrosprejov\u00E9 rozhran\u00ED vyu\u017E\u00EDvaj\u00EDc\u00ED tlakovateln\u00E9 kapalinov\u00E9 spojen\u00ED umo\u017E\u0148uj\u00EDc\u00ED vyu\u017Eit\u00ED libovoln\u011B tenk\u00FDch a dlouh\u00FDch elektrosprejov\u00FDch emitor\u016F.Imobilizace enzym\u016F p\u0159\u00EDmo v elektrosprejov\u00E9 \u0161pi\u010Dce umo\u017Enila p\u0159\u00EDm\u00E9 \u0161t\u011Bpen\u00ED separovan\u00FDch moleku"@cs . . "GA203/06/1685" . "0"^^ . "2009-10-22+02:00"^^ . " electrochemistry" . "2006-01-01+01:00"^^ . "mass spectrometry interfacing; microfluidics; electrochemistry; biopolymers"@en . . . . "New electrospray interface with pressurized liquid junction was developed for use with very narrow and long electrospray emitters. Immobilization of enzymes directly in the electrospray needle allowed direct digestion of the separated molecules prior to"@en . . . "2008-12-31+01:00"^^ .