. " mechenchymal stem cells" . "nanoparticles, nanoobjects, plasma, diamond, polymer composites, functionalization, photoluminescence, KFM, ATR, GAR, osteoblasts, mechenchymal stem cells, tissue engineering"@en . . . "0"^^ . . . . "This interdisciplinary project focuses on tailoring the bulk and surface properties of diamond nano-objects (DNOs) for fundamental material and biological research. DNOs are diamond nanoparticles, nano-domains and nano-fiber composites. Foreign atoms will be implemented into diamond to create optical centres in DNOs. The surface of these modified DNOs will be functionalized with single atoms, chemical groups and oligopeptidic ligands. The impact of surface termination (the electrostatic state of the surface) on the photoluminescence properties of optical centers in DNOs will be characterized by advanced analytic techniques. The physicochemical behavior of modified and functionalized DNOs in a biologically relevant environment will be evaluated and visualized through the interaction of DNOs with bone-derived cell lines, primary osteoblasts and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. The newly developed DNOs offer a promising solution for future applications in photonics, electronics and particularly in controlled drug and gene delivery, bioimaging and bone tissue engineering."@en . . " ATR" . . "2015-04-23+02:00"^^ . "Tento interdisciplin\u00E1rn\u00ED projekt je zam\u011B\u0159en na p\u0159izp\u016Fsoben\u00ED objemov\u00FDch a povrchov\u00FDch vlastnost\u00ED diamantov\u00FDch nanoobjekt\u016F (DNO) pro z\u00E1kladn\u00ED materi\u00E1lov\u00FD a biologick\u00FD v\u00FDzkum. Diamantov\u00E9 nano\u010D\u00E1stice, nanodom\u00E9ny a kompozitn\u00ED nanovl\u00E1kna p\u0159edstavuj\u00ED DNO. Implantace ciz\u00EDch atom\u016F do diamantu bude vyu\u017Eito pro vytvo\u0159en\u00ED optick\u00FDch center v DNO. Povrch takto modifikovan\u00FDch DNO bude funkcionalizov\u00E1n jednotliv\u00FDmi atomy, chemick\u00FDmi skupinami a oligopeptidick\u00FDmi ligandy. Vliv povrchov\u00E9 terminace (elektrostatick\u00FD stav povrchu) na fotoluminiscen\u010Dn\u00ED vlastnosti optick\u00FDch center v DNO bude charakterizov\u00E1n pomoc\u00ED pokro\u010Dil\u00FDch analytick\u00FDch technik. Bude vyhodnoceno fyzik\u00E1ln\u011B-chemick\u00E9 chov\u00E1n\u00ED modifikovan\u00FDch a funkcionalizovan\u00FDch DNO v biologicky odpov\u00EDdaj\u00EDc\u00EDm prost\u0159ed\u00ED vyu\u017Eit\u00EDm interakce DNO s liniemi kostn\u00EDch bun\u011Bk, prim\u00E1rn\u00EDch osteoblast\u016F a mesenchym\u00E1ln\u00EDch kmenov\u00FDch bun\u011Bk kostn\u00ED d\u0159en\u011B. Nov\u011B vytvo\u0159en\u00E9 DNO materi\u00E1ly jsou perspektivn\u00ED pro c\u00EDlenou dod\u00E1vku l\u00E9\u010Div a gen\u016F, zobrazovac\u00ED diagnostick\u00E9 metody i in\u017Een\u00FDrstv\u00ED kostn\u00ED tk\u00E1n\u011B." . "Vytv\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED objemu a povrchu diamantov\u00FDch nano-objekt\u016F pro biomedic\u00EDnu" . " diamond" . " functionalization" . "Engineering Bulk and Surface of Diamond Nano-Objects for Biomedicine"@en . . "GA14-04790S" . " plasma" . . "2016-12-31+01:00"^^ . " osteoblasts" . " polymer composites" . . . . . . " KFM" . . "2014-01-01+01:00"^^ . " GAR" . "2014-03-17+01:00"^^ . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA14-04790S"^^ . " photoluminescence" . "6"^^ . . "6"^^ . . "nanoparticles" . "1"^^ . " nanoobjects" . . "1"^^ .