. . "Neuvedeno."@en . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA105/02/1486"^^ . . . . "2008-06-02+02:00"^^ . . . . "The results of this study show an actual coal reserves status from quality and quantity perspective. It proposes the convenient ways of coal reserves use different to the use as a fuel. It provides an overview of coal locations with the quality features"@en . . . . . "GA105/02/1486" . "V\u00FDsledky \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED t\u00E9to studie ukazuj\u00ED skute\u010Dn\u00FD kvalitativn\u00ED a kvantitativn\u00ED stav uheln\u00FDch z\u00E1sob. Navrhuje vhodn\u00E9 zp\u016Fsoby vyu\u017Eit\u00ED uheln\u00FDch z\u00E1sob jinak ne\u017E palivo. P\u0159ehledn\u011B jsou zde uvedeny lokality uhl\u00ED s\u00A0jakostn\u00ED charakteristikou ve svrchn\u00ED i spodn\u00ED l\u00E1vce"@cs . "The global analysis of \u00DAst\u00ED - Teplice region of North-Bohemian brown coal basin"@en . "Komplexn\u00ED studie \u00FAstecko-teplick\u00E9 oblasti SHP" . . "1"^^ . "In the year 1991, the Czech government promulgated an inhibition programme of coal mining and assessed ecological limits of the perspective range of mining. Further to this programme, brown coal (lignite) exploitation is still being decreased and opencast mines are being closed- the first one was the Chaba\u0159ovice mine (exploitation finished in the year 1997, a rescue overburden closed subsequently in the year 2000) in the SHP district of \u00DAst\u00ED and Teplice. Despite long-run exploitation in this area, a large part of brown coal reserves still stays unexploited. For the reason that brown coal is a very valuable commodity for other ways of utilization (energetic and chemical), its future re-utilization is expected. A huge volume of unclassified information has been gathered up till now considering the extensive exploration, deep and opencast exploitation. In coherence with the cancellation of the Palivov\u00FD kombin\u00E1t mining company, \u00DAst\u00ED, s.p., which as the last one administrated the mining"@en . . "V\u00A0roce 1991 vyhl\u00E1sila \u010Desk\u00E1 vl\u00E1da \u00FAtlumov\u00FD program uheln\u00E9ho hornictv\u00ED a stanovila \u00FAzemn\u011B ekologick\u00E9 li- mity v\u00FDhledov\u00E9ho rozsahu dob\u00FDv\u00E1n\u00ED. Ve vazb\u011B na tento program se trvale sni\u017Euje t\u011B\u017Eba hn\u011Bd\u00E9ho uhl\u00ED a jsou uzav\u00EDr\u00E1ny povrchov\u00E9 doly, jako prvn\u00ED lom Chaba\u0159ovice (v r. 1997 ukon\u010Dena t\u011B\u017Eba a n\u00E1sledn\u011B v\u00A0r. 2000 sana\u010Dn\u00ED skr\u00FDvka) v\u00A0\u00FAstecko-teplick\u00E9 oblasti SHP. P\u0159es dlouhodobou t\u011B\u017Ebu v\u00A0t\u00E9to oblasti z\u016Fst\u00E1v\u00E1 velk\u00E1 \u010D\u00E1st z\u00E1sob hn\u011Bd\u00E9ho uhl\u00ED dosud nevyt\u011B\u017Eena. Proto\u017Ee je hn\u011Bd\u00E9 uhl\u00ED velmi cennou surovinou pro jin\u00E9 zp\u016Fsoby vyu\u017Eit\u00ED (energetick\u00E9 a chemick\u00E9), dojde zajist\u00E9 v\u00A0budoucnosti k\u00A0jeho op\u011Btn\u00E9mu vyu\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00ED. Rozs\u00E1hl\u00FDm pr\u016Fz- kumem, hlubinnou a povrchovou t\u011B\u017Ebou se do dne\u0161n\u00ED doby nahromadilo obrovsk\u00E9 mno\u017Estv\u00ED neut\u0159\u00EDd\u011Bn\u00FDch informac\u00ED. V\u00A0souvislosti se z\u00E1nikem d\u016Fln\u00ED spole\u010Dnosti Palivov\u00E9ho kombin\u00E1tu \u00DAst\u00ED, s. p., kter\u00E1 jako posledn\u00ED v\u00A0t\u00E9to oblasti SHP spravovala dob\u00FDvac\u00ED prostory, doch\u00E1z\u00ED k\u00A0nenahraditeln\u00FDm ztr\u00E1t\u00E1m dokumentace, souvise- j\u00EDc\u00ED s\u00A0lo\u017Eiskem hn\u011Bd\u00E9ho uhl\u00ED. Krom\u011B toho dojde k\u00A0\u00FApln\u00E9mu znehodnocov\u00E1n\u00ED star\u00E9" . . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . . "0"^^ . . .