. . " surfaces" . . "2015-02-09+01:00"^^ . " catalysis" . "C\u00EDlem navrhovan\u00E9ho v\u00FDzkumu je nal\u00E9zt a optimalizovat podm\u00EDnky pro p\u0159\u00EDpravu bimetalick\u00FDch nano\u010D\u00E1stic Au-Pd a Au-Pd na nosi\u010Di s\u00A0po\u017E\u00E1dovan\u00FDm slo\u017Een\u00EDm a s\u00A0atom\u00E1rn\u011B \u010Dit\u00FDm povrchem. Nano\u010D\u00E1stice budou p\u0159ipravov\u00E1ny \u0159\u00EDzen\u00FDm postupn\u00FDm vypa\u0159ov\u00E1n\u00EDm nebo pomoc\u00ED laserov\u00E9 ablace. Jako podlo\u017Eka, na kterou budou nano\u010D\u00E1stice deponov\u00E1ny, budou slou\u017Eit oxidy v\u00FDznamn\u00E9 pro heterogenn\u00ED katal\u00FDzu (Al2O3, ZrO2, WOx, a VOx) a tak\u00E9 grafit. Vytvo\u0159en\u00E9 syst\u00E9my budou charakterizov\u00E1ny povrchov\u011B citliv\u00FDmi technikami: XPS, SRPES, ISS, FEM a AFM. Adsorp\u010Dn\u00ED vlastnosti CO, NO (O2, C2H4) na bimetalick\u00FDch nano\u010D\u00E1stic\u00EDch budou studov\u00E1ny pomoc\u00ED fotoelektronov\u00E9 spektroskopie a TPD. Elektrochemick\u00E9 vlastnosti na grafitou budou zkoum\u00E1ny pomoc\u00ED cyklick\u00E9 voltametrie. Bimetalick\u00E9 slitinov\u00E9 nano\u010D\u00E1stice obsahuj\u00EDc\u00ED zlato p\u0159edstavuj\u00ED skupinu materi\u00E1l\u016F, kter\u00E1 je, krom\u011B jin\u00FDch aplikac\u00ED, v\u00FDznamn\u00E1 pro heterogenn\u00ED katal\u00FDzu a v\u00FDvoj palivov\u00FDch \u010Dl\u00E1nk\u016F." . "The aim of this research is to find and optimize conditions for formation of supported Au-Pd and Au-Pt bimetallic nanoparticles with desired composition and atomically clean surfaces by controlled sequential vapour deposition and laser ablation. Supportsrelevant to heterogeneous catalysis including graphite and Al2O3, ZrO2, WOx, and VOx oxides will be used throughout this study as supports. For characterization of the produced nanoparticles the following techniques will be employed: XPS, SRPES, ISS, FEMand AFM. Adsorption of CO, NO (O2, C2H4) gases on nanoparticles will be investigated using electron spectroscopy methods and TPD technique. Electrochemical properties of graphite supported bimetallic nanoparticles will be examined by cyclic voltammetry. Bimetallic, gold-based nanoparticles represent very important class of materials particularly in the gas phase catalysis, electrocatalysis and in development of fuel cells."@en . . . . . "GA104/08/1501" . "nanoparticles" . "Formation, characterization and chemical properties of supported gold-based bimetallic nanoparticles"@en . . "nanoparticles; alloys; surfaces; catalysis; fuel cell; electron spectroscopy; ion spectroskopy"@en . . " fuel cell" . "0"^^ . . . "2010-12-31+01:00"^^ . "2008-03-01+01:00"^^ . . "1"^^ . "Main results of research project can be expressed in followed items: 1.    Progressive technique of pulsed laser deposition was successfully established for preparation of bimetallic nanoparticles on various supports. 2.    Kinetic energy of impinging particles was found as decisive parameter for stoichiometry of bimetallic nanoparticles. Kinetic energy can be"@en . . "V\u00FDsledky dosavadn\u00EDho \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED projektu lze shrnout do n\u00E1sleduj\u00EDc\u00EDch bod\u016F: 1.    Byla \u00FAsp\u011B\u0161n\u011B zavedena technika pulsn\u00ED laserov\u00E9 depozice pro p\u0159\u00EDpravu bimetalick\u00FDch nano\u010D\u00E1stic na nosi\u010D\u00EDch. 2.    Jako d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00FD parametr pro obsah kovov\u00FDch komponent v depozitech se uk\u00E1zala kinetick\u00E1 energie dopadaj\u00EDc\u00EDch \u010D\u00E1stic, kterou lze ovlivnit p\u0159\u00EDtomnost\u00ED inertn\u00EDho  plynu (H"@cs . "3"^^ . "0"^^ . "3"^^ . " electron spectroscopy" . . . . . "2010-04-06+02:00"^^ . " alloys" . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA104/08/1501"^^ . "P\u0159\u00EDprava, charakterizace a chemick\u00E9 vlastnosti nanoslitin zlata na nosi\u010Di." .