"2009-12-31+01:00"^^ . " bearing" . . "2015-01-22+01:00"^^ . . "rotor" . "."@en . "rotor; active control; vibration; bearing; instability"@en . . . . . "0"^^ . " vibration" . "\u0158e\u0161en\u00ED projektu prob\u00EDhalo podle pl\u00E1nu projektu. V\u00FDsledkem projektu je experiment\u00E1ln\u00ED prok\u00E1z\u00E1n\u00ED zv\u00FD\u0161en\u00ED stability rotor\u016F v kluzn\u00FDch lo\u017Eisk\u00E1ch pomoc\u00ED aktivn\u00EDho \u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED piezoaktu\u00E1tory. Zv\u00FD\u0161en\u00ED stability se projevilo dosa\u017Een\u00EDm vy\u0161\u0161\u00EDch ot\u00E1\u010Dek, kter\u00E9 u pasivn\u00EDho"@cs . "1"^^ . "2009-04-22+02:00"^^ . "67"^^ . "1"^^ . "67"^^ . "Aktivn\u00ED \u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED kluzn\u00FDch lo\u017Eisek s c\u00EDlem potla\u010Den\u00ED nestability rotoru" . . . . . "Rostouc\u00ED rychlob\u011B\u017Enost rota\u010Dn\u00EDch stroj\u016F vede st\u00E1le \u010Dast\u011Bji ke vzniku nestability rotoru. Nestabilit\u011B lze ve v\u011Bt\u0161in\u011B p\u0159\u00EDpad\u016F zabr\u00E1nit pou\u017Eit\u00EDm lo\u017Eisek s lep\u0161\u00EDmi dynamick\u00FDmi vlastnostmi, nap\u0159. lo\u017Eisek s nakl\u00E1p\u011Bc\u00EDmi segmenty. Jestli\u017Ee doch\u00E1z\u00ED k siln\u00E9mu vn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDmu buzen\u00ED rotoru, nap\u0159. vlivem labyrintov\u00FDch ucp\u00E1vek, nelze v n\u011Bkter\u00FDch p\u0159\u00EDpadech zajistit stabilitu ani pou\u017Eit\u00EDm lo\u017Eisek s nakl\u00E1p\u011Bc\u00EDmi segmenty. V t\u011Bchto p\u0159\u00EDpadech by bylo vhodn\u00E9 ovliv\u0148ovat chov\u00E1n\u00ED rotoru \u0159\u00EDzen\u00EDm vlastnost\u00ED lo\u017Eisek nebo vhodn\u00FDm kinematick\u00FDm buzen\u00EDm lo\u017Eiska. Dynamick\u00FD syst\u00E9m rotoru s\u00A0kluzn\u00FDm lo\u017Eiskem se takto dopln\u00ED o zp\u011Btnou vazbu, kter\u00E1 je zprost\u0159edkov\u00E1na elektronicky. Tato vazba na z\u00E1klad\u011B m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED pohyb\u016F h\u0159\u00EDdele ovliv\u0148uje pomoc\u00ED dvou piezoelektrick\u00FDch aktu\u00E1tor\u016F, kter\u00E9 jsou uchyceny vn\u011B lo\u017Eiskov\u00FDch t\u011Bles, pohyby tlumi\u010De s vytla\u010Dovan\u00FDm olejov\u00FDm filmem. St\u00E1vaj\u00EDc\u00ED pasivn\u00ED tlumi\u010D se zm\u011Bn\u00ED v\u00A0aktivn\u00ED prvek syst\u00E9mu s\u00A0\u0159iditeln\u00FDmi vlastnostmi. P\u0159edm\u011Btem \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED grantov\u00E9ho projektu je verifikace poznatk\u016F souvisej\u00EDc\u00EDch se vznikem" . . "Active control of journal bearings aimed at suppressing the rotor instability"@en . . . "GA101/07/1345" . . . "2007-01-01+01:00"^^ . . . . . . "The increasing high-speed of rotational machines more and more often leads to rising of rotor instability. If large external excitation of the rotor occurs, stability of the rotor could not be provided. In such cases, it would be advisable to affect the behaviour of the rotor by bearing properties control. The dynamic system of the rotor with journal bearing is thus supplied by an electronic feedback. On the base of shaft movement measurements and with the help of two piezoelectric actuators, which are attached outside the bearing bodies, this feedback affects movements of a squeeze film damper. The current passive damper will change into an active component of the system with controllable properties. The aim of the grant project solution is verification of knowledge concerning the rise of rotor instabilities, the research on the journal bearing design with the possibility of kinematic excitation by piezoelectric actuators and the synthesis of automatic control system including the"@en . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GA101/07/1345"^^ . " active control" .