"1"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "1. T\u00FDm metodik\u016F vytvo\u0159il z\u00E1klady psychologicko-didakticko-informatick\u00E9 metodologie adaptivn\u00EDho e-learningu. 2. Byla zpracov\u00E1na anal\u00FDza experiment\u00E1ln\u00EDho SW. 3. Bylo zpracov\u00E1no 5 pilotn\u00EDch adaptivn\u00EDch opor p\u0159edm\u011Bt\u016F r\u016Fzn\u00E9ho typu pro ov\u011B\u0159en\u00ED metodiky i SW"@cs . . . "\u00DAkolem projektu je zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED nov\u00E9ho kurzu a vy\u0161kolen\u00ED t\u00FDmu VaV pracovn\u00EDk\u016F v z\u00E1kladech nov\u00E9 metodiky pro e-learningovou automatickou adaptaci v\u00FDukov\u00E9ho procesu, p\u0159izp\u016Fsobuj\u00EDc\u00EDho se osobn\u00EDm znalostem a vlastnostem student\u016F. Jde o individualizaci v\u00FDuky po str\u00E1nce pedagogick\u00E9 a psychologick\u00E9, p\u0159\u00EDstup k v\u00FDuce optimalizuj\u00EDc\u00ED \u010Das i kvalitu vzd\u011Bl\u00E1v\u00E1n\u00ED student\u016F. V\u00FDzkum problematiky je v po\u010D\u00E1tc\u00EDch a je zapot\u0159eb\u00ED v\u011Bt\u0161\u00EDho t\u00FDmu lid\u00ED, kte\u0159\u00ED by um\u011Bli d\u00E1le zkoumat jej\u00ED mnoh\u00E9 d\u00EDl\u010D\u00ED probl\u00E9my. Metodika bude pilotn\u011B otestov\u00E1na a dolad\u011Bna metodiky, potom bude pro\u0161koleno asi 60 nov\u00FDch VaV osob, aby v e-learningu um\u011Bli formulovat i \u0159e\u0161it v\u00FDzkumn\u00E9 \u00FAkoly a tak v\u00FDukov\u00E9 opory vyv\u00EDjeli na pot\u0159ebn\u00E9 \u00FArovni kvality, um\u011Bli spolupracovat na dal\u0161\u00EDm v\u00FDvoji metodiky a mohli pak \u0161kolit i dal\u0161\u00ED autory opor. C\u00EDlem je tedy vytvo\u0159en\u00ED VaV t\u00FDmu a pos\u00EDlen\u00ED kompetenc\u00ED pracovn\u00EDk\u016F VaV v pedagogick\u00E9m a psychologick\u00E9m v\u00FDzkumu pro optim\u00E1ln\u00ED vyu\u017Eit\u00ED e-learningu v praxi." . "0"^^ . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=EE2.3.09.0019"^^ . "1) The team of methodologists created the foundations of psycho-didactic and informatics methodology of adaptive e-learning. 2) An analysis of the experimental software was created. 3) There were created 5 pilot adaptive mainstays of objects of different types of authentication methods and software"@en . "2012-05-31+02:00"^^ . . "e-learning"@en . "2015-01-05+01:00"^^ . "19"^^ . . . . . . "19"^^ . . "The aim of the project is to train the development team to be able to develop and test the new methodology for e-learning supports, which will allow the automatic adaptation of teaching process adapted to individual knowledge and characteristics of students. As far as authors are concerned, the basic principle involves supports of several options processing of particular parts of teaching supports and their exchangeability according to needs of a specific student. In terms of student, the basic principle covers recognition of student characteristics (including possible handicaps) and defining the optimum individual style of presentation. We talk here about individualization in teaching in terms of knowledge, pedagogy and psychology. The aim of the method is to establish the new approach to e-learning which could optimize time and quality of education of both students and individuals in long-life education."@en . "EE2.3.09.0019" . "Adaptive Individualization of Study through E-learning"@en . . "Adaptivn\u00ED individualizovan\u00E1 v\u00FDuka v e-learningu" . "2009-06-01+02:00"^^ . . . "2012-12-13+01:00"^^ .