"2011-03-28+02:00"^^ . . "0"^^ . . . "2008-09-01+02:00"^^ . "Nanostructured Magnetic Materials for Nano-spintronics" . . . "2012-07-12+02:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . "Nanostructures Ferromagnets Spintronics Sensors Data Storage"@en . "1"^^ . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=7E08087"^^ . "11"^^ . . . "Hodnocen\u00ED v\u00FDsledk\u016F \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED ministerstvo neprov\u00E1d\u00ED, nebo\u0165 podm\u00EDnkou podpory je, \u017Ee uchaze\u010D byl vybr\u00E1n mezin\u00E1rodn\u00EDm poskytovatelem v souladu s pravidly p\u0159\u00EDslu\u0161n\u00E9ho programu. Projekt je hodnocen a\u017E po jeho schv\u00E1len\u00ED mezin\u00E1rodn\u00EDm poskytovatelem."@cs . "Following the condition that the candidate of financial contribution was evaluated and afterwards selected by international provider in accordance with the rules of the program the Ministry of Education, Youth ans Sports does not realize the evaluation of project results. The project is evaluated only after its approval by an international provider."@en . "11"^^ . "We are proposing a Collaborative Project, NAMASTE, on nanostructured dilute magnetic semiconductor and metal materials. The key ideas are to control and manipulate the nanoscale properties of magnetic materials by local strain and electric fields making possible new types of magneto-electronic and spintronic devices. This is a co-ordinated programme of theoretical, experimental and technological research by a consortium of European academic and industrial research groups, each of which is internationally leading in the complementary, multidisciplinary research fields essential to the project delivery. The proposal builds on recent advances in the state-of-the-art by the consortium members and is based on the design of materials whose specific nanostructure yields the required tailored properties. NAMASTE should significantly advance the understanding of nanostructured magnetic materials and magnetic phenomena at the nanoscale. The project has a high probability of major medium and long term i"@en . . . "We are proposing a Collaborative Project, NAMASTE, on nanostructured dilute magnetic semiconductor and metal materials. The key ideas are to control and manipulate the nanoscale properties of magnetic materials by local strain and electric fields making possible new types of magneto-electronic and spintronic devices. This is a co-ordinated programme of theoretical, experimental and technological research by a consortium of European academic and industrial research groups, each of which is internationally leading in the complementary, multidisciplinary research fields essential to the project delivery. The proposal builds on recent advances in the state-of-the-art by the consortium members and is based on the design of materials whose specific nanostructure yields the required tailored properties. NAMASTE should significantly advance the understanding of nanostructured magnetic materials and magnetic phenomena at the nanoscale. The project has a high probability of major medium and long term i" . . . . . "2011-08-31+02:00"^^ . . . . "Nanostructured Magnetic Materials for Nano-spintronics"@en . . "7E08087" .