. "Evaluation of the long-term reconstruction of a forest damaged by air pollution in the region of Trutnov: demonstration area Broumov"@en . . . "0"^^ . . "1"^^ . "1099"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "Na Trutnovsku vzniklo koncem 50. let n\u00E1hl\u00E9 po\u0161kozen\u00ED lesa imisemi z m\u00EDstn\u00EDch elektr\u00E1ren a p\u0159etrv\u00E1v\u00E1 dosud. Od r. 1960 byla \u00FAzem\u00ED v\u011Bnov\u00E1na soust\u0159ed\u011Bn\u00E1 pozornost na \u00FAseku monitoringu imis\u00ED a v\u00FDzkumu dynamiky lesa a zm\u011Bn prost\u0159ed\u00ED a obrann\u00FDch opat\u0159en\u00ED v z\u00E1vislosti na intenzit\u011B vlivu imis\u00ED. V po\u010D\u00E1tc\u00EDch vyt\u00FD\u010Den\u00FD p\u011Bstebn\u00ED syst\u00E9m byl systematicky poloprovozn\u011B prov\u011B\u0159ov\u00E1n, provozn\u011B roz\u0161i\u0159ov\u00E1n na cel\u00E9 v\u00FDm\u011B\u0159e asi 3 tis. ha demonstra\u010Dn\u00EDho objektu (DO) Broumov. N\u011Bkolik lesn\u00EDch komplex\u016F bylo prohl\u00E1\u0161eno za objekt zvl\u00E1\u0161tn\u00EDho z\u00E1jmu jako tzv. j\u00E1dro DO Broumov, zahrnuj\u00EDc\u00ED 350 ha. V\u00FDsledky byly pravideln\u011B podrobov\u00E1ny hospod\u00E1\u0159sko-\u00FApravnick\u00E9 kontrole. DO je pojet\u00EDm a v\u00FDsledky celkov\u00E9 p\u0159estavby lesa dnes zaj\u00EDmav\u00FD z hlediska trvale udr\u017Eiteln\u00E9ho obhospoda\u0159ov\u00E1n\u00ED lesa pod dlouhodobou imisn\u00ED z\u00E1t\u011B\u017E\u00ED. Aby z\u00EDskal p\u0159esv\u011Bd\u010Divou a n\u00E1zornou demonstra\u010Dn\u00ED hodnotu, navrhuje se jeho komplexn\u00ED vyhodnocem\u00ED. Jeho c\u00EDlem je (a) uk\u00E1zat na pou\u017Eitelnost p\u011Bstebn\u00EDch syst\u00E9m\u016F, p\u0159ihl\u00ED\u017Eej\u00EDc\u00EDch k intenzit\u011B p\u016Fsoben\u00ED imis\u00ED, (b) porovnat vklad pr\u00E1ce -"@cs . "Vyhodnocen\u00ED dlouhodob\u00E9 p\u0159estavby lesa posti\u017Een\u00E9ho imisemi - demonstra\u010Dn\u00ED objekt Broumov"@cs . "1"^^ . . . "In the region of Trutnov, a sudden air pollution damage to forest caused by local power stations occurred at the end of the fifties. The damage is still going on. Since 1960, concetrated attention has been paid to the region in the field of air pollutionmonitoring, forest dynamics research, changes in the environment, and control measures as related to the intensity of the effect of air pollution. The silvicultural system established at the beginning of the study has been systematically tested, applied in operational scale on the area of 3000 ha and several forest tracts were declared areas of special interest as the Broumov demonstration area coverting 350 ha. Results were regularly subjected to forest-management control. From the viewpoint of the co nception and results of the total reconstruction of forests, the demonstration area is interesting with respect to sustainable forest management under conditions of long-term air pollution load. To obtain a convincing and illustrative value, the overall"@en . "1"^^ . . . "988"^^ .