. "1"^^ . "1314"^^ . . . . "The role of TGF-betal and CD14 gene polymorphisms in chronic kidney allograft rejection and progression of chronic glomerulonephritis"@en . . "1314"^^ . . . . "2"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "chronic rejection;glomerulonephritis;gene polymorphism;TGF-betal;CD 14;PCR"@en . "2"^^ . "\u00DAloha polymorfism\u016F gen\u016F pro TGF-betal a CD14 v rozvoji chronick\u00E9 rejekce transplantovan\u00E9 ledviny a v progresi chronick\u00FDch glomerulopati\u00ED"@cs . . "Monocytes/macrophages and TGF-betal play an key role in pathophysiology of chronic allograft rejection and progression of chronic glomerulonephrits.TGF-betal and CD14 gene polymorphisms correlate with TGF plazma level and with CD14 receptor density. In 150 patients with glomerulonephritis,the TGF-betal and CD14 genotypes will be correalated with progression of disease.In 300 renal graft recipients,the chronic rejection will be followed-up and compared with TGF-betal,CD14 genotypes. In 150 pairs,cadaveric kidney donor-recipient,to monitor the effect of match and/or mismatch,in the TGF-betal and CD14 genotypes on the development of chronic rejection of the kidney transplant."@en . "0"^^ . "V patofyziologii chronick\u00E9 rejekce ledvinn\u00E9ho \u0161t\u011Bpu i chronick\u00E9 glomerulonefritidy se uplat\u0148uj\u00ED monocyty/makrof\u00E1gy a r\u016Fstov\u00E9 faktory,TGF-beta.Polymorfismus TGF-betal a CD14 genu koreluje s hladinou r\u016Fstov\u00E9ho faktoru v plazm\u011B a s denzitou CD14 receptoru. U 150 nemocn\u00FDch s glomerulonefritidou bude korelov\u00E1n TGF-betal a CD14 genotyp se vznikem a pr\u016Fb\u011Bhem onemocn\u011Bn\u00ED. U 300 nemocn\u00FDch po transplantaci ledviny bude sledov\u00E1na chronick\u00E1 rejekce ve vztahu k polymorfismu TGF-betal a CD14 genu. U 150 dvojic sledovat z\u00E1vislost shody v TGF-betal a CD14 genotypu mezi d\u00E1rcem a p\u0159\u00EDjemcem na osudu transplantovan\u00E9 ledviny se z\u0159etelem k rozvoji chronick\u00E9 rejekce."@cs .