. "0"^^ . . "710"^^ . . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "For the elucidation og the most significant and controversial problem in contemporary gastroenterology whether chronic gastritis due to the HP and corporal gastritis based on the autoimmune mechanisms take part in etiology of dyspeptic complaints. The goal of the study is to evaluate in relation to the infection whether there does exist at all and if so of what importance for the further symptomatic course represents the HP eradication in the positive case or in the negative one."@en . "3"^^ . . . . "3"^^ . "Projekt sm\u011B\u0159uje k zodpov\u011Bzen\u00ED jedn\u00E9 z d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00FDch a kontraverzn\u00EDch ot\u00E1zek sou\u010Dasn\u00E9 gastroenterologie-zda se na vzniku dyspeptick\u00FDch obt\u00ED\u017E\u00ED \u00FA\u010Dastn\u00ED chronick\u00E1 gastritida vyvolan\u00E1 infekc\u00ED H.pylori a korpor\u00E1ln\u00ED gastritida vznik\u00E1 na bazi autoimun.mechanism\u016F. Ve vztahu k infekci H.pylori bude posouzeno,zda a jak\u00FD v\u00FDznam m\u00E1 eredikace H.pylori pro dal\u0161\u00ED v\u00FDvoj obt\u00ED\u017E\u00ED nemocn\u00E9ho, a to jak ve smyslu pozitivn\u00EDm (\u00FAstup obt\u00ED\u017E\u00ED), tak negativn\u00EDm (zhor\u0161en\u00ED obt\u00ED\u017E\u00ED, nap\u0159. p\u0159i rozvoji refluxn\u00ED ezofagitidy)"@cs . . "603"^^ . "gastrisis;dyspepsia;H.pylori;autoimmune mechanisms"@en . "Chronic gastritis induced by Helicobacter pylori infection and by autoimmune mechanisms-the cause of dyspepsia?"@en . . . "Chronick\u00E1 gastritida indukovan\u00E1 infekc\u00ED Helicobacter pylori a autoimunitn\u00EDmi mechanismy - zdroj dyspeptick\u00FDch obt\u00ED\u017E\u00ED?"@cs . .