. . "\"Book of Papers \"\"Theoretical and Practical aspects of Public Finance in the Czech Republic\"\"\""@en . "149"^^ . "\"The proceedings is a concrete output of the conference of \"\"Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance\"\", which is held every year. The proceedings enables the dissemination of individual papers and discussions to a wider circle of interested persons. In the same time it emphasizes importance of the conference that is to facilitate communication of individual research and educational institutions concerned with Pubic Finance issues. The conference is the sole of this kind in the Czech Republic.\""@en . . . "0"^^ . . . . "1"^^ . "\"Sborn\u00DDk je konkr\u00DAtn\u00DDm v\u0159stupem z ka\u00D7doro\u0154n\u00FD konan\u00DA konference \"\"Teoretick\u00DA a praktick\u00DA aspekty ve\u00B0ejn\u0159ch financ\u00DD v +R\"\" a umo\u00D7\u02DBuje, aby byly jednotliv\u00DA refer\u00DFty a n\u00DFsledn\u00DF diskuse distribu Sou\u0154asn\u00FD podtrhuje v\u0159znam konference jako sv\u00DAho druhu jedin\u00DA akce v +R, kter\u00DF umo\u00D7\u02DBuje propojen\u00DD jednotliv\u0159ch v\u00FDdecko-v\u0159zkumn\u0159ch a pedagogick\u0159ch pracovi\u00DC\u0141 zab\u0159vaj\u00DDc\u00DDch se problematikou v\""@cs . "0"^^ . . . "65"^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "\"Sborn\u00EDk \"\"Teoretick\u00E9 a praktick\u00E9 aspekty ve\u0159ejn\u00FDch financ\u00ED v \u010CR\"\"\""@cs . "public finance, taxes, public expenditure, public budgets, local finance, public sector"@en .