"7"^^ . . . . . "1"^^ . . . "Navrz eny\u00B4 projekt zkoum\u00E1 interakci intensivn\u00EDch laserovy\u00B4ch svazku? s hmotou. N\u00E1s vy\u00B4zkum se zame r \u00ED na dva rez imy dostupn\u00E9 na sve tov\u00E9 \u00FArovni v Praze a to 1) Pr\u00E1ce v rez imu nanosekundovy\u00B4ch (tzv. dlouhy\u00B4ch) pulsu? na instalaci PALS, jez je financov\u00E1na z EU jako evropsk\u00E9 vy\u00B4zkumn\u00E9 zar \u00EDzen\u00ED. 2) (mens \u00ED c \u00E1st, zah\u00E1jen\u00ED vy\u00B4zkumu) Pr\u00E1ce v rez imu velmi kr\u00E1tky\u00B4ch pulsu? v oblasti stovek femtosekund - pikosekund na laserov\u00E9 instalaci, kter\u00E1 se zac \u00EDn\u00E1 budovat fakulte jadern\u00E9 a fyzikalne inz eny\u00B4rsk\u00E9 C VUT v Praze, pr \u00EDpadne na evropsky\u00B4ch zar \u00EDzen\u00EDch v zahranic \u00ED, s nimiz jiz byla v dr \u00EDve js \u00EDm obdob\u00ED nav\u00E1zana spolupr\u00E1ce jak kl\u00EDc ovou osobou tak r es itelem. V obou pr \u00EDpadech se zame r \u00EDme zejm\u00E9na na vy\u00B4zkum z\u00E1kladn\u00EDch fyzik\u00E1ln\u00EDch principu? pr i interakci vysoky\u00B4ch intensit z\u00E1r en\u00ED s hmotou v ru?zny\u00B4ch konfigurac\u00EDch vc etne pevny\u00B4ch terc u?, pe novy\u00B4ch terc u? c i plynny\u00B4ch terc u?, zejm\u00E9na \u00FAc innost vytv\u00E1r en\u00ED a transport elektronu? a generace rentgenov\u00E9ho z\u00E1r en\u00ED."@cs . "Interaction of high-power laser pulses with matter"@en . "\"Our proposal will enable research into the high-power laser-matter interaction. We will investigate two different regimes at our reach - at world-class facilities in Prague\"\" 1) Long-pulse regime (nanoseconds) at the Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS) facility that has been recently installed and that is a member of the European high-power laser network. 2) (smaller part of the project, getting in the business with Prague facility) Ultra-short pulse regime (fs-ps) at the new facility that is going tobe constructed at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, or at European facilities abroad based on our previous collaborations with them. In both directions of our research, we will investigate especially fundamental plasma physics principles at the interaction of high-intensity radiation with matter (solid targets, foam targets or gas targets), especially efficiency of generation and transport of electrons and x-ray generation.\""@en . "V\u00FDzkum interakce intensivn\u00EDch laserov\u00FDch puls\u016F s hmotou"@cs . . "interakce laser-hmota, vykonne lasery, rentgenove zdroje, laserove plasma"@en . "1004"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "832"^^ . . "7"^^ .