"\"The aim of the project is to investigate the mechanism of growth of hard and superhard coatings, such as nitrides of transition metals, 'hard amorphous Si0xNy , Si0xCy , Si0xCyHz and BN coatings, diamond and carbon nitride coatings, and to develop new generation of hard nanocomposite coatings composed of hard nanocrystalline phase and amorphous or metallic matrix. The nanocomposite coatings with \"\"hard' matrix will represent a new class of superhard coatings with a high Young modulus. The nanocompositecoatings with \"\"soft\"\" matrix will represent a new class of hard coatings with higher toughness. To achieve this goal a systematic basic research concentrated on (i) formation of nanocrystalline and amorphous films, (ii) formation of \"\"high temperature\"\" structures at low temperatures of about 100 \u00B0C or lower, (iii) investigation of plasmochemical reactions relevant for the forming of the mentioned advanced materials, (iv) intermixing of coating and substrate elements and on (v) adhesion of hard coatings\""@en . . . . "1"^^ . . . "113"^^ . . . "2300"^^ . "113"^^ . . "Hard and superhard coatings prepared by unconventional plasma processes"@en . "0"^^ . "C\u00EDlem projektu je vy\u0161et\u0159it mechanismus vytv\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED tvrd\u00FDch a supertvrd\u00FDch povlak\u016F, jako jsou nitridy p\u0159echodov\u00FDch kov\u016F, tvrd\u00E9 amorfn\u00ED vrstvy typu SiOxNy, SiOxCy, SiOxCyHz a BN, diamantov\u00E9 povlaky a vrstvy typu CN, a vyvinout novou generaci tvrd\u00FDch nanokompozitn\u00EDch povlak\u016F tvo\u0159en\u00FDch nanokrystalickou f\u00E1z\u00ED a amorfn\u00ED nebo kovovou matric\u00ED. Nanokompozitn\u00ED vrstvy s \u00B4tvrdou\u00B4matric\u00ED budou p\u0159edstavovat nov\u00FD druh supertvrd\u00FDch povlak\u016F s vysokou hodnotou Youngova modulu p\u0159u\u017Enosti. Nanokompozitn\u00ED vrstvy s \u00B4m\u011Bkkou\u00B4matric\u00ED budou reprezentovat nov\u00FD druh tvrd\u00FDch povlak\u016F s vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED hou\u017Eevnatost\u00ED. K dosa\u017Een\u00ED tohoto c\u00EDle bude prov\u00E1d\u011Bn koordinovan\u00FD systematick\u00FD z\u00E1kladn\u00ED v\u00FDzkum v n\u00E1sleduj\u00EDc\u00EDch oblastech: (i) vytv\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED nanokrystalick\u00FDch a amorfn\u00EDch vrstev, (ii) vytv\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED \u00B4vysokoteplotn\u00EDch f\u00E1z\u00ED\u00B4materi\u00E1l\u016F p\u0159i n\u00EDzk\u00FDch teplot\u00E1ch substr\u00E1tu (100 stup\u0148\u016F C a ni\u017E\u0161\u00EDch), (iii) studium plazmochemick\u00FDch reakc\u00ED d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00FDch pro vytv\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED zm\u00EDn\u011Bn\u00FDch materi\u00E1l\u016F, (iv) vz\u00E1jemn\u00E9 m\u00EDsen\u00ED prvk\u016F povlaku a substr\u00E1tu a (v) p\u0159ilnavost tvrd"@cs . . "2300"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "Tvrd\u00E9 a supertvrd\u00E9 povlaky vytvo\u0159en\u00E9 nekonven\u010Dn\u00EDmi plazmov\u00FDmi procesy"@cs .