. . . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "600"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . "Projekt si klade za c\u00EDl zmapovat v\u00FDvoj francouzsk\u00E9ho dramatu a divadla od pades\u00E1t\u00FDch let dodnes: jednak chce shrnout a systematizovat existuj\u00EDc\u00ED \u010D\u00E1ste\u010Dn\u00E9 poznatky o dramatu (a divadle) let pades\u00E1t\u00FDch, \u0161edes\u00E1t\u00FDch a \u010D\u00E1ste\u010Dn\u011B sedmdes\u00E1t\u00FDch, ale p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm sechce zam\u011B\u0159it na anal\u00FDzu dramatick\u00E9 tvorby posledn\u00EDch dvou desetilet\u00ED. Reflexe dramatu a divadla bude br\u00E1t v\u00A0\u00FAvahu \u0161ir\u0161\u00ED kontext - spole\u010Densk\u00FD, ekonomicko-politick\u00FD a kulturn\u00ED -, ani\u017E by se ov\u0161em cht\u011Bla st\u00E1t studi\u00ED \u010Dist\u011B historiografickou: hlavn\u00ED lini\u00EDv\u00FDzkumu budou podoby a prom\u011Bny dramatick\u00E9ho textu, vztah k\u00A0n\u00E1rodn\u00ED dramatick\u00E9 a divadeln\u00ED tradici, hled\u00E1n\u00ED nov\u00FDch postup\u016F (dramatick\u00FDch, resp. dramaturgick\u00FDch, ale p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm jazykov\u00FDch, <>), a kone\u010Dn\u011B i rozporupln\u00FD proces emancipacedramatick\u00E9ho textu, kter\u00FD se po \u00FAsp\u011B\u0161n\u00E9m vy\u010Dlen\u011Bn\u00ED z\u00A0oblasti <> s\u00E1m do jej\u00EDho l\u016Fna na konci 20. stolet\u00ED znovu vrac\u00ED. Hlavn\u00EDm konkr\u00E9tn\u00EDm v\u00FDstupem bude rukopis, kter\u00FD se na z\u00E1klad\u011B v\u00FD\u0161e zm\u00EDn\u011Bn\u00E9 reflexe vztahu dramatu a divadla k\u00A0n\u00E1rodn\u00EDmu"@cs . "\"The aim of the project is to analyse the evolution of French drama and theatre from the 1950\u00B4 till now: not only to sum up and complete the existing fragmentary information about the drama in the 1950\u00B4, 1960\u00B4and partially in the 1970\u00B4, but to examine thedramatic writing of the past two decades. It will naturally take into account a broader social, cultural and even political context, but without becoming pure historiography: it will concentrate on the transformations of the dramatic text, on therelationship between contemporary writing and the national tradition, on present search for new forms and proceedings (dramatic, but especially linguistic, or \"\"textual\"\") and on the gradual and somewhat surprising process of emancipation undergone by theFrench dramatic text, which is now-after having liberated itself from the \"\"yoke of the literature \"\" - - coming back into the womb of this same literature. The results of the research will constitute a study (a manuscript) wherein the analysis of the\""@en . "French Drama and Theatre in the second half of the XX-th century"@en . . "Neuvedeno."@en . "Francouzsk\u00E9 drama a divadlo druh\u00E9 poloviny XX.stolet\u00ED"@cs . "1248"^^ . . . . "0"^^ .