. "895"^^ . . . . "V\u00FDvoj a adaptace techniky pulsn\u00ED laserov\u00E9 depozice pro r\u016Fst gradientn\u00EDch a nanostrukturn\u00EDch vrstev"@cs . "0"^^ . "532"^^ . "Neuvedeno."@en . . . . . . . "Development and adaptation of pulsed laser deposition technique for gradient and nanostructured layer growth"@en . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "0"^^ . "The proposed project aims to develop technology for deposition of thin nanostructured and gradient layers, which possess exactly defined structural or compositional profile through the total coating thickness. These coatings will be prepared using hybridtechnique combining the Pulsed Laser Deposition with other deposition methods. Tens or hundreds of monolayers are needed to complete the coating and deposition of one monolayer can take even fraction of seconds only. Therefore it is necessary to build asystem which is controlled by a computer. This system would control the particular laser shots, fast change of the targets, and optionally also other deposition parameters like substrate temperature, gas flow or pressure in the deposition chamber.thickness of a monolayers is an important parameter of the coating. For this reason, a resonance measurement of the layer growth will be installed in the deposition chamber. Quality of the interface between particular nanolayers is an important"@en . . "2"^^ . "Projekt si klade za c\u00EDl vyvinout technologii p\u0159\u00EDpravy tenk\u00FDch nanostrukturn\u00EDch a gradientn\u00EDch vrstev pomoc\u00ED pulsn\u00ED laserov\u00E9 depozice. Podstatou je p\u0159esn\u011B definovan\u00FD strukturn\u00ED nebo koncentra\u010Dn\u00ED profil p\u0159es celou tlou\u0161\u0165ku vrstvy. Pro vytvo\u0159en\u00ED takov\u00E9vrstvy je zapot\u0159eb\u00ED, aby v\u0161echny parametry depozice byly spolehliv\u011B \u0159\u00EDzeny a definovateln\u011B m\u011Bn\u011Bny b\u011Bhem depozi\u010Dn\u00EDho procesu. To je provediteln\u00E9 jen za pomoc\u00ED po\u010D\u00EDta\u010Dem \u0159\u00EDzen\u00E9ho depozi\u010Dn\u00EDho syst\u00E9mu, vzhledem k tomu, \u017Ee r\u016Fst nanometrov\u00FDch komponentstruktury m\u00E1 trv\u00E1n\u00ED t\u0159eba jen zlomk\u016F sekundy a po\u010Det t\u011Bchto komponent m\u016F\u017Ee b\u00FDt n\u011Bkolik des\u00EDtek a\u017E stovek. V prvn\u00ED f\u00E1zi p\u0159edpokl\u00E1d\u00E1me modifikov\u00E1n\u00ED ji\u017E vybudovan\u00E9ho depozi\u010Dn\u00EDho syst\u00E9mu pro pulsn\u00ED laserovou depozici. V n\u00E1vaznosti na nosn\u00FD projekt budevyu\u017Eito hybridn\u00EDho depozi\u010Dn\u00EDho syst\u00E9mu. Hlavn\u00ED zm\u011Bny budou spo\u010D\u00EDvat v pln\u00E9m napojen\u00ED depozi\u010Dn\u00EDho procesu na po\u010D\u00EDta\u010D, umo\u017E\u0148uj\u00EDce spou\u0161t\u011Bn\u00ED v\u00FDst\u0159el\u016F laseru do ter\u010De, automatick\u00E9 v\u00FDm\u011Bny ter\u010D\u016F r\u016Fzn\u00FDch materi\u00E1l\u016F, \u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED pr\u016Ftok\u016F plyn\u016F v depozi\u010Dn\u00ED komo\u0159e, tlaku"@cs .