"2013-12-31+01:00"^^ . "Faktory limituj\u00EDc\u00ED vzch\u00E1zen\u00ED semen\u00E1\u010Dk\u016F pampeli\u0161ky, Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia"@cs . . "Taraxacum officinale; dandelion; seed dispersal; seed consumption; germination"@en . . . . "2839"^^ . "Seedling establishment is a critical stage in spreading dandelion, Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia, in disturbed habitats including pastures. The project attempts at dissection of mortality between seed dispersal and seedling establishments into its particular components and continues earlier study of invertebrate predation on dandelion seeds. It will amalgamate three research domains, germination (affected by seed availability and gap size), invertebrate predation of post-dispersal seed (mainly ground beetle and isopod) and seedling predation (mainly slug). Three hypoteses will be tested: (i) Numbers of established seedlings are determined by seed availability and structure of plant stand, particularly size of gaps. (ii) Post dispersal seed predation and seedling predation are important factors of seedling recruitment. (iii) The intensity of post dispersal seed and seedling predation is a spatial mosaic which varies predictably with site and the course of season and unpredictably with the annual variation in weather and abundance of predators. The project will confer data on an important segment of population biology of the species."@en . . "0"^^ . "3"^^ . "0"^^ . "3"^^ . "2839"^^ . "2009-01-01+01:00"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . "Obdob\u00ED disperze semen a\u017E vzniku semen\u00E1\u010Dk\u016F je kritick\u00FDm stadiem pro \u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED pampeli\u0161ky l\u00E9ka\u0159sk\u00E9 (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia) v naru\u0161en\u00FDch stanovi\u0161t\u00EDch v\u010Detn\u011B pastvin. Projekt, kter\u00FD je pokra\u010Dov\u00E1n\u00EDm d\u0159\u00EDv\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch studi\u00ED predace semen, si klade za \u00FAkol zjistit relativn\u00ED v\u00FDznam faktor\u016F mortality v tomto obdob\u00ED. K tomu \u00FA\u010Delu budou studov\u00E1ny t\u0159i faktory determinuj\u00EDc\u00ED p\u0159e\u017Eit\u00ED semen a vznik s\u00E1\u010Dk\u016F: kl\u00ED\u010Den\u00ED (ovlivn\u011Bn\u00E9 produkc\u00ED semen a strukturou porostu), predace semen le\u017E\u00EDc\u00EDch na povrchu p\u016Fdy po disperzi p\u016Fsoben\u00E1 bezobratl\u00FDmi (p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm st\u0159evl\u00EDkovit\u00FDmi a svinkami), predace semen\u00E1\u010Dk\u016F p\u016Fsoben\u00E1 pl\u017Ei. Budou testov\u00E1ny t\u0159i hypot\u00E9zy: (a) Po\u010Det semen\u00E1\u010Dk\u016F je ovlivn\u011Bn dostupnost\u00ED semen a velikost\u00ED naru\u0161en\u00EDm porostu, (b) Predace semen a semen\u00E1\u010Dk\u016F je d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00FDm faktorem sn\u00ED\u017Een\u00ED jejich popula\u010Dn\u00ED hustoty. (c) Intenzita postdisperzn\u00ED predace semen a semen\u00E1\u010Dk\u016F je mozaikovit\u011B rozlo\u017Eena a tato mozaika se m\u011Bn\u00ED p\u0159edv\u00EDdateln\u011B v z\u00E1vislosti na sezon\u011B a nep\u0159edv\u00EDdateln\u011B mezi lety v z\u00E1vislosti na po\u010Das\u00ED a abundanci pred\u00E1tor\u016F. V\u00FDsledkem bude z\u00EDsk\u00E1n\u00ED \u00FAdaj\u016F o d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00E9m \u00FAseku popula\u010Dn\u00ED biologie druhu."@cs . . . "Factors of seedling establishment in dandelion, Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia"@en . . .