. "2005-01-01+01:00"^^ . "P\u0159ipravit kritickou edici Zahradn\u00ED\u010Dkovy v\u011Bze\u0148sk\u00E9 korespondence z let 1951 -1960, doprov\u00E1zenou teoretickou studii, koment\u00E1\u0159em jednotliv\u00FDch dopis\u016F a podrobnou anal\u00FDzou b\u00E1sn\u00EDkova \u017Eivota a tvorby v tomto obdob\u00ED, v\u010Detn\u011B stanoven\u00ED geneze Zahradn\u00ED\u010Dkov\u00FDch b\u00E1sn\u00ED.Podstatou projektu je prost\u0159ednictv\u00EDm liter\u00E1rn\u011Bteoretick\u00E9ho, liter\u00E1rn\u011Bhistorick\u00E9ho a komparativn\u00EDho p\u0159\u00EDstupu v souladu s metodami textov\u00E9 kritiky detailn\u011B osv\u011Btlit posledn\u00ED f\u00E1zi Zahradn\u00ED\u010Dkova d\u00EDla, je\u017E byla dosud prakticky neprob\u00E1dan\u00E1, a to jak na rovin\u011Bepistul\u00E1rn\u00ED, tak b\u00E1snick\u00E9. Korespondence Jana Zahradn\u00ED\u010Dka z v\u011Bzen\u00ED (1951-1960) p\u0159edstavuje v\u00FDjime\u010Dn\u00FD epistul\u00E1rn\u00ED soubor mimo\u0159\u00E1dn\u00FDch estetick\u00FDch kvalit, jen\u017E vyb\u00EDz\u00ED ke komplexn\u00EDmu zhodnocen\u00ED b\u00E1sn\u00EDkovy v\u011Bze\u0148sk\u00E9 etapy. Je nejen d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00FDm dokumentem k Zahradn\u00ED\u010Dkov\u011B autobiografii a k objasn\u011Bn\u00ED jeho osudu spisovatele-v\u011Bzn\u011B, ale v navrhovan\u00E9m projektu by m\u011Bla b\u00FDt v\u00FDchodiskem ke stanoven\u00ED geneze Zahradn\u00ED\u010Dkov\u00FDch b\u00E1sn\u00ED, napsan\u00FDch ve v\u011Bzen\u00ED, je\u017E jsou \u010Dasto k dispozici v n\u011Bkolika variant\u00E1ch: jde o poezii ze"@cs . . "Jan Zahradnice; Czech literature after 1945; correspondence"@en . "2007-12-31+01:00"^^ . . "0"^^ . "V\u011Bze\u0148sk\u00E1 korespondence Jana Zahradn\u00ED\u010Dka"@cs . . "1902"^^ . . . . "1560"^^ . "1"^^ . . "0"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "The target is to compile a critical edition of Zahradnicek's letters from prison compiled in 1951-1960, accompanied by comments on individual letters and detailed analysis of poe\u0165s life and works in this period, including genesis of Zahradnicek's poems. The aim is to enlighten the last and not yet researched phase of Zahradnicek's works through literary theoretical, literary historical and comparative approaches fully in line with methodology of textual criticism. Zahradnicek's letters from prison (1951-1960) represent a unique epistolary collection of outstanding aesthetic qualities which encourage a researcher to evaluate the prison phase in poe\u0165s life. The correspondence is an important document to Zahradnicek's autobiography, moreover it can help to enlighten the fate of the writer/prisoner. It also should determine genesis of Zahradnicek's poems written in prisons. These poems are often available in several variants: poetry published in Dum Strach and Ctyri Leta collections of poems, and so"@en . "Letters from Prison by Jan Zahradnicek"@en . "1"^^ . .