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| - Široce definované oblasti poznání výzkumného záměru VÚRH JU budou soustředěny: 1) do výzkumu nových trendů biologických aspektů akvakultury a hydrocenóz související s molekulární, genetickou, hematologickou a reprodukční úrovní polyploidních a monosexnícznaků ryb, úrovní endokrinních procesů reprodukce ryb, včetně zmrazování gamet a embryí se sledováním rozvoje astakofauny v ČR, 2) do celospolečensky vysoce významného výzkumu environmentálních aspektů akvakultury a hydrocenóz s výzkumem vlivů cizorodýcna rybí organismus, určení stupně kontaminace ryb a dalších složek vodních ekosystémů cizorodými látkami s prevencí a eliminací zdravotních rizik v chovech ryb, 3) do nového chovatelského výzkumu v akvakultuře a hydrocenózách se zaměřením na intenzivní crybniční akvakulturu, posuzování vlastností kvality rybího masa s ohledem na způsob výživy a exploataci rybniční akvakultury. Předmětem VZ bude naplňování nového mezinádorně vysoce uznávaného vědeckého výzkumu v oblastech biologických, enviromentálních a
- The objective of foundation of the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology as an university institute in the frame of the University of South Bohemia is to perform research and to search for possibilities of effective implementationof the results gained. The subjects of activities of the RIFCH USB are to carry out both the applied and targeted scientific research in fields of biological, environmental and breeding aspects of aquaculture and maintenance ofthe biodiversity of hydrocoenoses. Itconcerns namely research of biological character (model species of fish and crayfish), conservation of aquatic environment (measuring the levels of pollutants) or research practically oriented tofishery (commercially important fishes) and research of food quality and safety. (en)
| - Biologické, enviromentální a chovatelské aspekty v rybářství
- Biological, environmental and breeding aspects of fishery (en)
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| - The research plan solved issues of aquaculture and hydrocoenoses from the point of view biological, environmental and breeding aspects. A number of pivotal results has been achieved both scientific papers and international methodological approaches. On the base of solving and financing of RP, new Faculty of fisheries and protection of waters and South Bohemia Research Centre CENAKVA were built. (en)
- VZ řešil problematiku akvakultury a hydrocenóz z hlediska biologických, environmentálních a chovatelských aspektů.Byla dosažena řada stěžejních výsledků publikovaných jak v časopisech, tak i jako mezinárodně uznávané metodiky. Řešení VZ a jeho finacování umožnilo vybudovat v roce 2009 Fakultu rybářství a ochrany vod a v roce 2011 Jihočeské výzkumné centrum akvakultury a biodiverzity hydrocenóz. (cs)
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of | - Diet composition and selectivity in 0+ perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and its competition with adult fish and carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) stock in pond culture.
- Development of an SPME-GC-MS/MS procedure for the monitoring of 2-phenoxyethanol in anaesthetised fish
- Mercury and methylmercury in muscle tissue of chub from the Elbe main tributaries.
- Effects of metribuzin on some biochemical, haematological and histopathological parametres of rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss).
- Effects of metribuzin on rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss).
- Biochemical markers for the assessment of aquatic environment contamination.
- Amino Acid Composition in Fillets of Mirror Crossbreds Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus 1758)
- The effect of transport on biochemical and haematological indices of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
- Use of Biochemical Markers for the Assessment of Organic Pollutant Contamination of the Vltava river, Czech Republic
- Comparison of Metallothionein Detection by Using Brdicka Reaction and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Employing Chicken Yolk Antibodies
- Leeches as sensor-bioindicators of river contamination by PCBs.
- Polyaluminium chloride (PAX-18) - acute toxicity and toxicity for early development stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio).
- Early Ontogeny, Growth and Mortality of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) at Low Concentrations of Dimethyl Sulfoxide
- Effects of pollution on chub in the River Elbe, Czech Republic
- The effect of praziquantel applied per os on selected haematological and biochemical indices in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
- Infection by Capriniana piscium (Buetschli, 1889) Jankovski, 1973, a cause of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) kill
- Differences in biochemical profiles among spawners of eight common carp breeds
- Comparison of the effects of four anaesthetics on biochemical blood profiles of perch
- Effects of bifenthrin on some haematological, biochemical and histopathological parameters of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
- Effects of acute exposure to bifenthrin on some haematological, biochemical and histopathological parameters of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
- Effects of acute exposure to metribuzin on some hematological, biochemical and histopathological parameters of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
- Effects of subchronic simazine exposure on some biometric, biochemical, hematological and histopathological parameters of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
- Induction of vitellogenin and gonadal impairment in chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) after exposure to 17β-estradiol and testosterone
- Sex differentiation and vitellogenin and 11-ketotestosterone levels in chub, Leuciscus cephalus L., exposed to 17β-estradiol and testosterone during early development
- Vliv pyretroidu bifenthrinu na aktivitu cytochromu P450 1A u ryb
- Chromosome studies of European cyprinid fishes: Interspecific homology of leuciscine cytotaxonomic marker - the largest subtelocentric chromosome pair as revealed by cross-species painting
- Note on the karyotype and NOR phenotype of the cyprinid fish Parachondrostoma arrigonis
- Genetika a šlechtění ryb
- Carp Breeds of the Czech Republic
- Lack of reproductive isolation between the Western and Eastern phylogroups of the tench
- Characteristics of sperm of polyploid Prussian carp Carassius gibelio
- Nová horní hranice výskytu hrouzka Kesslerova (Gobio kessleri Dybowski, 1862) v řece Moravě (ČR)
- Effect of nitrite on early-life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
- Seasonal diet pattern of non-native tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) in the lowland reservoir (Mušov, Czech Republic)
- Ekologické dopady extrémních srážko-odtokových situací v malých povodích - přehled
- Genetic structure and distribution of Oxynoemacheilus bureschi (Balitoridae, Teleostei), and its phylogenetic relationships with other European stone loaches
- After finishing of motility, common carp (Cyprinus carpio) sperm is able to re-initiate a second motility period and to fertilize eggs
- Residual pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in aquatic environment - status, toxicity and kinetics: a review
- Effects of bifenthrin on some haematological, biochemical and histopathological parameters of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
- Vliv pesticidu na bázi triazinů na ryby
- The Effects of Sediments Burdened by Sewerage Water Originating in Car Batteries Production in the Klenice River (CZ)
- Responses of antioxidant status and Na+-K+-ATPase activity in gill of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, chronically treated with carbamazepine
- Hodnocení vlivu čistíren odpadních vod na kvalitu říční vody s využitím in vitro testů
- Growth and development of vimba bream (Vimba vimba) larvae in relation to feeding duration with live and/or dry starter feed
- Induction of final oocyte maturation in Cyprinidae fish by hypothalamic factors: a review
- Relationship between semen characteristics and body size in Barbus barbus L. (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) and effects of ions and osmolality on sperm motility
- Effects of four factors on the quality of male reproductive cycle in pikeperch Sander lucioperca
- Growth pattern of all-female perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) juveniles - is monosex perch culture beneficial?
- Preliminary Studies on Cryopreservation of Common Tench (Tinca tinca) Embryos (Work in Progress)
- Differences between lipid content and composition of different parts of fillets from crossbred farmed carp (Cyprinus carpio)
- Importance of Knowledge on Lipid Composition of Foods to Support Development towards Consumption of Higher Levels of n-3 Fatty Acids via Freshwater Fish
- Sperm quality in male Barbus barbus L. fed different diets during the spawning season
- Pre-spawning water temperature affects sperm respiration and reactivation parameters in male carps
- Freeze-thawing as the factor of spontaneous activation of spermatozoa motility in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
- Size-related oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) reared in a recirculating system
- Hypothalamické faktory (GnRH a DA) a jejich využití k odstranění reprodukční dysfunkce u kaprovitých ryb (přehled)
- Porovnání abundance a biomasy rybí obsádky v morfologicky a průtokově odlišných úsecích malého toku
- Možnosti umělé inkubace, přepravy a přechovávání račích vajíček
- Problematika reintrodukcí a hospodářského využití původních druhů raků v Evropě, realita a perspektivy v ČR
- Základní aspekty produkce raka říčního v Evropě
- Effect of chloride content in water on heart rate in narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus)
- The effect of different cold period during maternal incubation on incubation efficiency and hatching term in Austropotamobius pallipes
- Effects of the herbicide LASSO MTX (alachlor 42% W/V) on biometric parameters and liver biomarkers in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
- Effect of intermittent starvation on growth and some antioxidant indexes of Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan)
- EROD and MROD as Markers of Cytochrome P450 1A Activities in Hepatic Microsomes from Entire and Castrated Male Pigs