A three dimensional contact-impact algorithm based on the pre-discretization penalty method is presented. It is shown that the proposed method preserves a symmetric treatment of mutually contacting surfaces. The symmetry of the algorithm is tested by a dynamic contact problem when the impact of two cylinders as in the Taylor test is studied. Comparison of the proposed algorithm with the finite element code MARC is made.
A three dimensional contact-impact algorithm based on the pre-discretization penalty method is presented. It is shown that the proposed method preserves a symmetric treatment of mutually contacting surfaces. The symmetry of the algorithm is tested by a dynamic contact problem when the impact of two cylinders as in the Taylor test is studied. Comparison of the proposed algorithm with the finite element code MARC is made. (en)
V příspěvku je presentován 3D dynamický kontaktní algoritmus založený na pre-diskretizační penaltové metodě. Ukazuje se, že navržená metoda zachovává rovnocenné postavení vzájemně kontaktujících povrchů těles. Tato symetrie algoritmu je ověřena na příkladu rázu dvou válců jako v Taylorově testu a výsledky srovnány s konečnoprvkovým programem MARC. (cs)