| - This contribution presents the concentrations of ten PBDE congeners (#3, #15, #28, #47, #99, #100, #118, #153, #154 and #183) found in fish (carp, crucian, freshwater eel, sheatfish, etc.), where their levels in muscle and skin tissues were determined, and in birds (cormorant, heron and buzzard), where breast muscle, liver, kidney and heart tissue were analyzed. All samples were collected in the system of ponds named %22Zahlinice%22, which is situated in the central Bohemia, Czech Republic. Dual capillary gas chromatography (on two columns in parallel - slightly and moderately polar) and highly sensitive electron capture detection was employed for routine analysis; capillary gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection was used for confirmatory purposes. From the species under study heron showed the highest levels of PBDEs, ranging up over 100 ng/g of tissue of individual congeners.
- This contribution presents the concentrations of ten PBDE congeners (#3, #15, #28, #47, #99, #100, #118, #153, #154 and #183) found in fish (carp, crucian, freshwater eel, sheatfish, etc.), where their levels in muscle and skin tissues were determined, and in birds (cormorant, heron and buzzard), where breast muscle, liver, kidney and heart tissue were analyzed. All samples were collected in the system of ponds named %22Zahlinice%22, which is situated in the central Bohemia, Czech Republic. Dual capillary gas chromatography (on two columns in parallel - slightly and moderately polar) and highly sensitive electron capture detection was employed for routine analysis; capillary gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection was used for confirmatory purposes. From the species under study heron showed the highest levels of PBDEs, ranging up over 100 ng/g of tissue of individual congeners. (en)
- Tento příspěvek prezentuje koncentrace deseti kongenerů PBDE (#3, #15, #28, #47, #99, #100, #118, #153, #154 a #183) nalezené v rybách (kapr, karas, úhoř, sumec atd.), kde byly sledovány obsahy ve svalovině a pokožce a v ptácích (kormorán, volavka, káně), u nichž byly sledovány obsahy v prsním svalu, játrech, ledvinách a srdeční tkáni. Všechny vzorky byly získány z rybničního systému Záhlinice, která se nachází ve středních Čechách. K analýze byla využita dvourozměrná plynová chromatografie (dvě kolony v paralelní konfiguraci, jedna slabě polární, druhá středně polární) s vysoce citlivým detektorem elektronového záchytu. Ke konfirmaci byla využita kapilární plynová chromatografie s hmotnostně spektrometrickou detekcí. Nejvyšší koncentrace na úrovni přesahující 100 ng/g individuálních kongenerů byly nalezeny u káněte. (cs)