U žádné kulturní odrůdy zahradních chryzantém nebyla zjištěna odolnost k Septoria rezistentní genotypy byly vybrány z potomstev botanických druhů Chrysanthemum japonense var. ashizuriense, Ch. yoshinaganthum a Ch. makinoi. (cs)
Resisatnce to Septoria was not detected in any of the garden chrysanthemum cultivar. Reistant genotypes were selected from the progenies wild species Chrysanthemum japonense var. ashizuriense, Ch. yoshinaganthum a Ch. makinoi.
Resisatnce to Septoria was not detected in any of the garden chrysanthemum cultivar. Reistant genotypes were selected from the progenies wild species Chrysanthemum japonense var. ashizuriense, Ch. yoshinaganthum a Ch. makinoi. (en)