We analysed garlic (Allium sativum L.) accession deposited in the genebank of RICP by AFLP. Cluster analysis based on AFLP separate accession into groups according the type. We believe, that AFLP is a suitable method for generic resources analysis.
We analysed garlic (Allium sativum L.) accession deposited in the genebank of RICP by AFLP. Cluster analysis based on AFLP separate accession into groups according the type. We believe, that AFLP is a suitable method for generic resources analysis. (en)
Analyzovali jsme klony česneku uložené v genové bance VÚRV. Klastrová analýza AFLP signálů rozdělila položky podle typu. Prokázali jsme, že AFLP lze úspěšně aplikovat i pro analýzu a charaktrizaci druhu Allium sativum. (cs)