Na myším nádorovém modelu TC-1 bylo prokázáno, že mutace N53S v imunodominantním epitopu onkoproteinu E7 HPV16 (aa 49-57) může být zodpovědná za únik nádorů imunitnímu systému hostitele. (cs)
It was shown on mouse TC-1 tumor model that the N53S mutation in the immunodominant epitope of the HPV16 E7 oncoprotein (aa 49-57) can be responsible for tumor escape from the host immune system.
It was shown on mouse TC-1 tumor model that the N53S mutation in the immunodominant epitope of the HPV16 E7 oncoprotein (aa 49-57) can be responsible for tumor escape from the host immune system. (en)