The project proposal is based on soil chemistry and forest biodiversity data obtained in the international project BIOSOL financed by the European Commission in 2005 – 2008 for a substantial number of forest monitoring plots (146) in the Czech Republic. This data could be combined with the long-term assessment of forest health on these plots, repeated ground-vegetation survey and on a subsample (86 plots) also with the data from previous forest soil survey in 1995. The current and historical load of atmospheric deposition will be assessed for individual plots from the national air pollution database. Different models of critical loads for acidic deposition as well as for nitrification of forest ecosystems will be applied using the disposable data. These models will be compared with the empirical effect-based models. Model results will be tested on 10 plots of Intensive monitoring of forest ecosystems, where the deposition measurement and soil solution chemistry can be provided by the international mon (en)
Celkové vyhodnocení současného stavu lesních půd a prognózy vývoje do budoucna z hlediska nutriční degradace,acidifikace, eutrofizace a hospodářských opatření, která mohou tento vývoj ovlivnit.
Forest soils as the determining factor for the forest health, biodiversity and the base for forest production as well as for nonproductive functions. (en)
Stav lesních půd jako určující faktor vývoje zdravotního stavu, biodiverzity a naplňování produkčních i mimoprodukčních funkcí lesů