Identification of apple scab strains and races will be solved both on plant indicators and molecular genetic metods of detection. Collection of genotypes that can be used as a complete group of indicators will be engraft into infected orchards with resistant cultivars. Patogen occurance and intenzity of the attack on indicators and tested cultivars will be evaluated in mentioned plantings regulary (minimally twice during growing period). Occurance of necrotic pits, chlorotic spots and lesions will be evaluated according classification scale from 1 to 4 (Chevalier et al.1991). Detection of the fungi by molecular genetic method established on principle polymerase chain reaction (PCR) will be done simultaneously. Patogen will be izolated and cultivated on culture plate. Monosporic izolates will be established in vitro for next detection using PCR methods. Those methods of identifications will be used for detection of fungi races and strains with acquired resistance to fungicides. Methods for routine scre (en)
Určit rasy strupovitosti vyskytujících se v sadech rezistentních odrůd, zjistit u kterého genu zodpovědného za rezistenci došlo k prolomení, vybrat a vyzkoušet optimální molekulárně biologickou metodu pro rychlou diagnostiku ras a populací houby.
Projekt řeší problém selhávání fungicidní ochrany jabloní proti strupovitosti v důsledku vyselektování kmenů patogena rezistentních vůči některým účinným látkám. Byly ověřovány metody detekce rezistentních kmenů a možnosti omezování jejich výskytu. (cs)
The project addresses a problem of fungicide protection against apple scab failure occurring as a result of selecting pathogen strains resistant to certain active substances. Methods of resistant strand detection were tested as well as the possibilities (en)