Manganese stabilizing protein (MSP) forms a cluster of several isoforms when separated via two dimensional electrophoresis. The project will concentrate on the analysis of molecular differences between the isoforms. Sequence analysis of MSP genes from several plant species should help to identify sources of observed variability. Analysis of presence of different MSP isoforms in photosystem II associated and free pool under different light conditions should uncover supposed functional differences between the isoforms. (en)
Popsat strukturní a funkční rozdíly mezi isoformami mangan stabilizujícího proteinu fotosystému II rozlišitelnými při separaci na dvourozměrné elektroforéze u bramboru a Arabidopsis
manganese stabilizing protein (MSP) oxygen evolving complex (OEC) photosystem II two dimensional electrophoresis mass spectrometry variability of protein isoforms (en)
Expression of two different MSP isoforms seems to be profitable for plants, but functional divergence of them was independent in plant families, resulting in possibly variant functional specialization. (en)
Pro rostliny je zřejmě výhodné mít dvě odlišné izoformy MSP, avšak tyto isoformy funkčně divergovaly u různých čeledí nezávisle - specifické funkce izoforem MSP se tedy u různých druhů mohou lišit. (cs)