The substance of the project consists in a precise selective removal of tumor tissue from different parts of the brain tumor by means of computer-navigated stereotaxis, and subsequent molecular-genetic processing of samples of tumor tissue.The aim is to obtain data on the types of genetic abnormalities from different parts of multiform glioblastoma, and to acquire new knowledge that could be used in its treatment. Another aim of the project is to develop and apply newmethods and technologies (e.g. FISH # fluorescence in-situ hybridization, CGH # comparative genomic hybridization) employed in the detection of structural and numerical defects of chromosomes in the solution of problems of GBM.A special point of the study will be the correlation between deletions, hyperdiploid or amplification types and translocations of genetic material, and the prognostic significance of these specific findings in GBM. (en)
Podstatou projektu je selektivní odběr tkáně miltiformního glioblastomu pomocí počitačem navigované stereotaxe a následné molekulárně genetické zpracování nádorové tkáně s cílem získat nové poznatky využitelné při jeho léčení.
In the project advanced techniques of gene diagnostics were introduced and optimized. Results can be used for a more detailed genetic sub-classification of tumour, its treatment and prediction (en)
V průběhu projektu byla pro genovou diagnostiku zavedena a optimalizována řada moderních technik. Dosažené výsledky bude možno využít k podrobnější genetické subklasifikaci nádoru, jeho léčbě a predikci. (cs)