The main aim of the whole project is a joint venture relation between Czech and Japanese research work-places. It mainly consists in an exchange of knowledge obtained by completing research activities with evaluation of fodder fermentation processes in silage silo and of energy and protein fermentation processes of preserved fodder in digestive organs of ruminants. The research of the Czech side is focused on the study of factors which affect proteolyse of proteins during fodder fermentation processes in a silage silo. Deep knowlege of biochemical processes which are going under anaerobic conditions during silage fermentation is an indispensable precondition for the determination of silage quality and for composing an optimal full-value and a well-balanced feeding ratio for ruminants. (en)
Projekt byl sestaven na základě potřeby využít dlouhodobé poznatky a zkušenosti pracovníků dvou pracovišť - VV Praha a UZVL v Obihiru k prohloubení znalostí o změnách obsahu energie a bílkovin při procesu fermentace silážováním a v bachoru přežvýkavců