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| - Main purpose of this project is to found the Ichtyoparasitology Research Centre as a base for close collaboration of three subjects to study complex relationships among various groups of fish parasites in relation to their environment. This action will bdevelopment of successful cooperation with foreign parners as well previously established. Research aims of the Ichtyoparasitology Research Centre are based on long-term scientific focus of Department of Zoology and Ecology of the Faculty of Science, MasParasitology, Czech Acad. Sci. and Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Czech Acad.Sci. including investigation structural diversity of various groups of fish parasites, their morphology, sytematics and taxonomy, also biology and ecology including analysis ounder various environmental conditions. One of the very important goal of the Centre is to support and develop international contacts and activities of young scientists including PhD students and Postdocs. Exchange of students among various laboratories (en)
- Předmětem předkládaného projektu je založení centra základního ichtyoparazitologického výzkumu zajišťujícího konkrétní vzájemnou spolupráci zakládajících subjektů při komplexním studiu různých skupin cizopasníků ryb a jejich interakcích s prostředím. BudVýzkumné cíle Centra vycházejí z dlouhodobého zaměření Katedry zoologie a ekologie PřF MU, Parazitologického ústavu AV ČR a Ústavu biologie obratlovců AV ČR a budou dominantně zaměřeny na studium strukturální diverzity různých skupin rybích cizopasníků,Jeden z důležitých cílů založeného Centra bude podpora a rozvoj mezinárodních kontaktů a spolupráce mladých vědeckých pracovníků, především doktorandů a postdoktorandů. Bude organizována výměna těchto studentů mezi špičkovými laboratořemi s cílem pomociDalšm z cílů projektu je připravit společné EU projekty se zahraničními partnery a organizovat pro studenty speciální workshopy, semináře a letní školy, kde budou moci prezentovat své výsledky. Rovněž bude kladem důraz na aktivní účast studentů na meziná
- ICHTYOPARAZITOLOGIE - centrum základního výzkumu
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| - Fish parasites, protozoans, monogeneans, helminths, Cestoda, Digenea, Nematoda, morphology, systematics, taxonomy, diversity, ecology, bioindicators, pollution, population, community, evolution, molecular phylogeny, MHC genes (en)
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| - Centrum základního výzkumu ichtyoparazitologie vytvořilo cca 30 pracovních míst mladé vědce. Během uplynulých 7 let bylo publikováno více než 350 vědeckých prací, prezentováno přes 400 příspěvků na konferencích a obhájeno 21 disertačních prací. Centrum rovněž podpořilo rozvoj infrastruktury a mezinárodní spolupráce (cs)
- The Ichtyoparasitology Research Center (IRC) have been created 30 reseach positions for young scientists. During the last 7 years, more then 350 papers have been published, more then 400 symposium contributions have been presented and 21 disertation theses have been defended. Also very strong international collaboration and development of research infrastructure have been supported by IRC (en)
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| - community
- diversity
- ecology
- evolution
- molecular phylogeny
- morphology
- population
- systematics
- taxonomy
- Cestoda
- Digenea
- Nematoda
- bioindicators
- helminths
- monogeneans
- pollution
- protozoans
- Fish parasites
of | - Monogeneans (Dactylogyridae: Ancyrocephalinae) from the gills of Hydrocynus brevis and Citharinus citharus citharus in Senegal
- Morphological study of adult parasite Eudiplozoon nipponicum by different microscopic techniques
- Modified sample preparation from ethanol fixed material for identification of Eudiplozoon nipponicum as a case parasite species for the combined morphological and molecular characterization
- Susceptibility to parasite infection in sympatric and allopatric population of European bitterling - field experiment
- Gyrodactylids (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) of the cichlid fishes of Africa
- Five new monogenean species from the gills of Mulloidichthys vanicolensis (Perciformes: Mullidae) off New Caledonia, with the proposal of Volsellituba n. gen. and Pennulituba n. gen. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae)
- Fish parasites in the Lake Turkana Kenya
- Cryptosporidia: Epicellular parasites embraced by the host cell membrane
- On Gyrodactylus species (Monogenea: Gyrodctaliydae) from the African Cichlid fishes
- The impact of environmental stress on chub (Leuciscus cephalus) and their parasites
- May parasite infection affect the reproductive success in European bitterling?
- Dentirumai philippinensis n. gen., n. sp (Nematoda: Philometridae), a new tissue-infecting philometrid nematode from the loach goby Rhyacichthys aspro (Valenciennes) (Rhyacichthyidae) in the Philippines
- The ichthyofauna of the shoreline zone in the longitudinal profile of the Danube River, Bulgaria
- The sampling efficiency of electrofishing for Neogobius species in a riprap habitat: a field experiment
- The distribution and abundance of the Neogobius fishes in their native range (Bulgaria) with notes on the non-native range in the Danube River
- Indikační význam rybího společenstva v případě chronického chemického znečištění toku
- Účinnost metody opakovaných odlovů ryb
- Struktura plůdkového společenstva ryb v podélném profilu řeky Labe
- Small – but not easy: evaluation of sampling methods in floodplain lakes including whole-lake sampling
- The importance of surrogate habitats in lowland river floodplains for fish community composition
- Longitudinal patterns in fish and macrozoobenthos assemblages reflect degradation of water quality and physical habitat in the Bílina river basin
- Fish community in the chronically polluted middle Elbe River
- Condition status and parasite infection of Neogobius kessleri and N. melanostomus (Gobiidae) in their native and non-native area of distribution of the Danube River
- Seasonal diet pattern of non-native tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) in the lowland reservoir (Mušov, Czech Republic)
- Flood duration determines the reproduction success of fish in artificial oxbows in a floodplain of a potamal river
- Modified sampling design for age-0 fish electrofishing at beach habitats
- Spatiotemporal trends of heavy metal concentrations in fish of the River Morava (Danube basin)
- Atractolytocestus huronensis (Cestoda), a new invasive parasite of common carp in Europe
- Eudiplozoon nipponicum in focus: monogenean exhibiting a highly specialized adaptation for ectoparasitic lifestyle
- Enzymatic activity at monogenean parasites
- Eudiplozoon nipponicum: host-parasite interactions in blood-feeding diplozoids
- From light microscopy to microradiology: selected imaging methods in helminthology
- Five new species of the genus Gyrodactylus (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) on African catfishes
- Fish assemblages and their parasites in the Lake Turkana, Kenya
- Infection of Gyrodactylus species on African catfish: an example of morphological and molecular diversity of monogenean parasites over African continent
- Indicative value of anglers' records for fish assemblage evaluation in a reservoir (Case study Brno reservoir, Czech Republic)
- Nanotrema niokoloensis sp. nov. and a redescription of N. citharini Paperna, 1969 (Monogenea, Dactylogyridae) from the gills of Citharinus citharus citharus (Characiformes, Citharinidae) from Senegal
- Molecular phylogeny of African gyrodactylid monogeneans
- Molecular evidence for the existence of cryptic species assemblages of several myxosporeans (Myxozoa)
- Morphology and taxonomic status of two little-known nematode species parasitizing North American fishes
- Mortality induced by electrofishing and handling in five young-of-the-year cyprinids: effect of the fish size, species and anode size
- Monogenean parasites of introduced pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (Centrarchidae) in the Danube River Basin
- Parasite infection of 0+ juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis) in different habitats of reservoir
- Parasites in a man-made landscape: contrasting patterns of trematode flow in a fishpond area in Central Europe