The fundamental of the project is to improve and support the education of PhD students in nuclear engineering. This project concerns students of application of ionizing radiation in medicine and research of biological effects of ionizing radiation as well as other applications of ionizing radiation. Preparation of highly educated specialists in this field is very important, considering the importance of these branches, new legislation, and importance of QA and QC resulting from our membership in the EU.The group consists of 16 PhD students. The leadership of the group consists of 8 supervisors: 6 of whom have long experience with education of PhD students and one recent PhD graduate. This young colleague will work as the supervisor specialist. The project also envisages that PhD students will participate in the system of seminars. Also developement of international cooperation in the field of education of PhD students and their regular participation in congresses and in courses for PhD students abroad is expected. (en)
Cílem projektu je podpořit výchovu studentů doktorského studia oboru jaderné inženýrství, věnujících se využití ionizujícího záření v medicíně, výzkumu biologických účinků a dalším aplikacím ionizujícího záření ve vědě a výzkumu a umožnit jim navázání kontaktů se zahraničními pracovišti.