The aim of this project is the study of the Jewish noble elites in the Czech countries from the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century. In the opening prosopographic phase of the research the database of memebers of Jewish noble families in Czech lands in observed time - period will be created on basis of archive study. Further on the proposers will concentrate on the determination of participation of Jewish nobility (incl. converts) in public life. Their political involvement on imperial and regional level will be the matter of interest as well as their activity in self administration and state service. Then the attention will be paied to social mobility of this group, business activities, property relations, cultural sponsorship and namely the context of conffering noble titles. The integration of Jewish nobility into majority society and the isolation of some families caused by the accentuation of religious distinctions will be also the matter of interest. These factors will be documented with using methods of widely concieved social history exploring dispositions and everyday life of these groups. That is why the reconstruction of marriage strategy and social contacts in families of Jewish noblemen or converts who received a noble title is so important. Achieved knowledge will be confronted with existing hypotheses and with the results of historical research. (en)
Cílem projektu je výzkum formování a vývoje židovských šlechtických elit v českých zemích a rakouské monarchii od 18. století do roku 1918. Výstupem grantu bude analytická monografie rekapitulující vývoj židovské šlechty, řada odborných studií a internetová databáze židovských šlechtických rodin.