The matter of the research project is to analyze modernization transformations of post-communist society in urban area. It concerns society, which was deeply embedded into the structures of classical industrial production. Need of its dynamic transition to the course towards post-industrial society is thereby even more urgent, no matter if we mark the society as information, knowledge etc. Transformation will be generally examined in European industrial cities including detailed analysis of Ostrava for its character of a city, which is strongly encumbered with industrial past's heritage. By studying transformation in Ostrava, the outputs of complex sociological research realized in the city during the years 1967 and 1968 will be used. This so far unprocessed and unpublished research has transcribed with great profundity in empirical level all sorts of aspects of industrial city life and its inhabitants in period of culminating industrial phase. Outputs will draft out possible scenarios of future development, drawing attention to factors that may block and deform desirable development. They will offer information not only for decision-making authorities at the level of cities and region, but they are also about to bring general knowledge for others cities not only in the Czech Republic. (en)
Cílem projektu je popsat proces deindustrializace Ostravy v kontextu změny ekologické struktury města včetně procesů rezidenční segregace a přelévání města do regionálního zázemí. V návaznosti na to provést teoretická zobecnění zaměřená na procesy prostorové segregace a stav sociální integrity.