Newly proposed diagnostic techniques of non-thermal distribution using the intensities of EUV and X-ray spectral lines will be used for analysis of physical plasma parameters in the solar corona and their relation to local physical conditions. The main goal is to obtain and discuss observational confirmations for the occurrence of the non-thermal electron distributions in solar corona and their coupling to the conditions of their origin. A special attention will be paid to the coronal plasma during the impulsive phase of solar flares. The X-ray data from RESIK X-ray spectrograph and EUV spectra from HINODE/EIS and SoHO/SUMER will be combined together with X-ray data from RHESSI and SPHINX, with EUV data from SoHO, TRACE and HINODE spacecraft, and ground based radio observations. (en)
Hlavním cílem projektu je získat a diskutovat pozorovací důkaz přítomnosti netermálních distribucí ve sluneční koroně z EUV a RTG spekter a jejich spojitost s podmínkami jejich vzniku. Zvláštní pozornost bude věnována koronální plazmě během impulsivní fáze sluneční erupce.