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| - Eclipsing binaries (hereafter EBs) are excellent laboratories for studying a wide variety of processes in stellar astrophysics. The main scientific aim of this project is photometric study of selected eclipsing binaries. The project is focused on two groups of EBs: 1. Faint neglected eclipsing variable stars (about 15 mag in minimum of brightness). These stars have been very often observed only by discoverer many decades ago. 2. Very bright (< 8 mag) and brand-new eclipsing binaries (discovered by Hipparcos, ASAS and other), for which new photometric observations are missing. Observations should be made as at least two-colour CCD photometry. For chosen stars we obtain new, more correct information about their light curves. We can compute models ofthese binary systems using standard Wilson-Devinney model as well as new methods developed later by other authors (FOTEL, Nightfall). Light curves and models of chosen stars have not been published yet. (en)
- Studium zákrytových dvojhvězd umožňuje výzkum širokého spektra procesů ve hvězdné astrofyzice. Hlavním vědeckým cílem tohoto projektu je fotometrický výzkum vybraných zákrytových dvojhvězd. Projekt je zaměřen na dvě skupiny dvojhvězd: 1. Slabé a opomíjené zákrytové proměnné hvězdy (kolem 15 mag v minimu jasnosti). Tyto hvězdy byly často sledovány pouze objeviteli před několika desítkami let. 2. Velmi jasné (< 8 mag) a nedávno objevené zákrytové dvojhvězdy (Hipparcos, ASAS, aj.), pro něž chybí nová přesná fotometrická měření. Pozorování by měla být prováděna jako alespoň dvoubarevná CCD fotometrie. Pro zvolené soustavy tak získáme nové, případně přesnější informace o jejich světelných křivkách. To nám umožní řešit příslušné modely systémů užitím standardního Wilsonova-Devinneyho modelu případně pomocí nových metod vyvinutých později (FOTEL, Nightfall). Světelné křivky i modely nebyly dosud pro zvolené soustavy publikovány.
| - Photometric investigation of eclipsing binaries (en)
- Fotometrický výzkum zákrytových dvojhvězd
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| - Tříletý projekt prokázal, že výzkum dvojhvězd a vícenásobných hvězdných systémů patří stále k dokonalým nástrojům moderní stelární astrofyziky. V průběhu projektu se podařilo získat velmi přesná fotometrická měření zákrytových dvojhvězd s excentrickou dr (cs)
- The research of binary and multiple stellar systems belongs to essential tools of modern stellar astrophysics. During this project we have obtained very precise photometric data of many eclipsing binaries with the eccentric orbit on both hemispheres and (en)
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of | - Detection of the Rotational Period of HD 179949?
- Apsidal motion in five eccentric eclipsing binaries
- Relativistic apsidal motion in eccentric eclipsing binaries
- CL Aurigae: a Triple System with Mass Transfer
- New Systems Showing the Light-Time Effect
- Investigation of Times of Minima of Selected Early-Type Eclipsing Binaries
- Precise CCD Times of Minima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries
- On-line database of photometric observations of magnetic chemically peculiar stars
- Principal component analysis - an efficient tool for variable stars diagnostics
- On-line database of photometric observations of magnetic chemically peculiar stars
- Observational evidence of interacting processes in the system TW Draconis
- New period study of the eclipsing binary V865 Cygni
- Orbital period changes of the nova-like cataclysmic variable AC Cancri: evidence of magnetic braking and an unseen companion
- Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the Eclipsing Binary GSC 4288 0186
- Atlas of Hα emission lines and V light curves of 30 carbon Miras
- Atlas of Halpha emission lines and V light curves of 30 carbon Miras
- Apsidal motion in southern eccentric eclipsing binaries: V539 Ara, GG Lup, V526 Sgr and AO Vel
- The eccentric eclipsing binary V889 Aquilae
- CCD photometry of neglected eclipsing binaries - KZ Dra, LR Cam and IM Vul
- Short Time-Scale Variability in the Light Curve of TW Draconis
- Rapid apsidal motion in eccentric eclipsing binaries: OX Cassiopeia, PV Cassiopeia, and CO Lacertae
- Period study of TW Draconis
- Apsidal motion in southern eccentric eclipsing binaries: GL Car, QX Car, NO Pup and V366 Pup
- Period changes of the long-period cataclysmic binary EX Draconis
- On methods for the light curves extrema determination
- Codes Normles1 and Normles - light curve examination tools
- Proposal of observational program of CCD monitoring of 30 carbon Miras in V, R and I
- CCD times of minima of selected eclipsing binaries
- Short time-scale variability in the light curve of TW Draconis
- The Remarkable Eclipsing Binary TW Draconis
- Eclipsing Binaries with Possible Light-Time Effect
- IV Cassiopeiae: a Probable Photometric Triple Star
- Light-Time Effect in the Eclipsing Binaries GO Cyg, GW Cep, AR Aur and V505 Sgr
- Eccentric Eclipsing Binary YY Sagittarii
- RW Lacertae: nová fotometrická trojhvězda
- RW Lacertae: a New Photometric Triple Star
- Apsidal motion in eccentric eclipsing binaries: CW Cephei, V478 Cygni, AG Persei, and IQ Persei
- The ZOO of uvby and Hp light curves of magnetic chemically peculiar stars
- Reliable elimination of telluric lines from stellar spectra
- 433 Eros - comparison of lightcurve extrema from 1901-1931 with the present rotation state
- On the Origin of the Dark Gamma-Ray Bursts
- Principal Component Analysis of Gamma-Ray Bursts' Spectra
- R CrB and Algol: The First and Last Star in Zdeněk Kopal's Life with Binaries
- Pulsations of the Oe Star rho Ophiuchi from MOST Satellite Photometry and Ground-based Spectroscopy
- Zdeněk Kopal's Binary Star Legacy
- Zdeněk Kopal's Binary Star Legacy - Preface
- Eclipsing binaries with possible light-time effect
- Eclipsing Binaries in the Blue Envelope of the Period-Color Diagram
- Eclipsing Binaries with Possible Light-Time Effect
- Photometry of symbiotic stars. XI. EG And, Z And, BF Cyg, CH Cyg, CI Cyg, V1329 Cyg, TX CVn, AG Dra, RW Hya, AR Pav, AG Peg, AX Per, QW Sge, IV Vir and the LMXB V934 Her
- Structure of the hot object in the symbiotic prototype Z Andromedae during its 2000-03 active phase
- Eclipsing Binaries Showing Light Time Effect
- Extrasolární planety
- Discovery and Photometry of 8 Novae in the M31 Galaxy in 2002 - 2004
- New findings supporting the presence of a thick disc and bipolar jets in the beta Lyrae system
- On-line database of photometric observations of mCP stars
- Progress in on-line photometric database of mCP stars
- Bibliography of Close Binaries No. 78
- Bibliography of Close Binaries No. 79
- Apsidal motion in eccentric eclipsing binaries: V871 Aql, V345 Lac, V401 Lac and CR Sct
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