As is a potent environmental carcinogen. Contamination of drinking water supplies with inorganic As (iAs) is a global problem. iAs is metabolized in human liver to methyl-As and dimethyl-As species that contain either tri- or penta- valent arsenic. Methylated trivalent forms are significantly more toxic than iAs. Development of sensitive high-throughput techniques for analysis of toxic metabolites of iAs is essential for further progress in the field of As toxicology. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop such techniques for small samples of human cells or tissues that are targets for cancers associated with exposures to arsenic. The specific aims of this project are: 1. Development of instrumentation and methodologies, based on hydride generation atomic absorption and atomic fluorescence spectrometry, for the speciation analysis of critical As metabolites in biological matrices. 2. Validation of newly developed methods using samples collected in laboratory and population studies. 3. Implementation of the newly developed methods in studies in arsenicosis endemic areas. (en)
1. Vývoj instrumentace a metodologie pro speciační analýzu toxických metabolitů arsenu v biologických matricích. 2. Validace těchto nově vyvinutých metod pomocí vzorků získaných z laboratorních a populačních studií. 3. Implementace těchto metod pro studie v endemických oblastech výskytu arsenicosis.