| - The mark-up language XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) is becoming a database language for collections of XML data which are required to be processed in a database way. Such databases, whether native or in a traditional database environment, require new techniques for storing, indexing and querying XML data. This put special requirements on implementation of recommended XML languages, like XQuery and XSLT. The project is focused on investigation of native XML database implementation (transactions, indexing, and data compression), a study of characteristics of XML data, which influence an effectiveness of its processing, new approaches to extending XQuery by user-defined functions, approximate XML querying as well as processing XSLT by streaming techniques. Also principles of a new conceptual model for XML database design will be laboured including its relation to a schema expressed in XSchema. Based on gained characteristics of various XML data types we will develop benchmarks providing more precise information about techniques used for XML data processing than so far provided. (en)
- Cílem je výzkum implementace nativních XML databází, studium charakteristik XML dat, které ovlivňují výkon databáze, vývoj odpovídacích benchmarků, výzkum přístupů ke zpracování XML dat pomocí XQuery (uživatelské funkce) a XSLT (proudové techniky). Vyvíjen bude i nový konceptuální model pro XML data